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[英]remove the alert that pops up when calling from iOS app using telprompt://

I need to make a call from my iOS app, and after the user is done calling, i need him to come back on the same app screen from where he made the call. 我需要从我的iOS应用程序拨打电话,在用户完成呼叫后,我需要他回到他拨打电话的同一个应用程序屏幕上。 if i use the following code 如果我使用以下代码

NSString *phoneNumber = [@"telprompt://" stringByAppendingString:@"999999999"];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:phoneNumber]];

i achieve what i want, but get an unwanted alert confirming if the user wants to make a call or not. 我实现了我想要的,但得到一个不需要的警报,确认用户是否想要打电话。 I don't want this. 我不想要这个。

If i use the code 如果我使用代码

NSString *phoneNumber = [@"tel://" stringByAppendingString:@"999999999"];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:phoneNumber]];

i do not get the alert, but i do not get back to my app screen too..!! 我没有得到警报,但我也没有回到我的应用程序屏幕.. !!

Is there a way where i do not get the alert while making the call and get back to the app screen after making the call?? 有没有办法在拨打电话时没有收到警报并在拨打电话后返回应用程序屏幕? please help.. 请帮忙..

You cannot do otherwise, those are the two possibilities. 你不能这样做,这是两种可能性。 telprompt with alert and callback or tel with not coming back and no alert. telprompt与警报和回调或tel没有回来,没有警报。

If the users leaves the app to make a phone call, there's no way you can return to your app after it. 如果用户离开应用程序拨打电话,则无法在此之后返回应用。 Your app is backgrounded, and the phone app is foregrounded. 您的应用程序是后台运行的,手机应用程序是前置的。

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