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[英]Jasmine doesn't seem to be calling my method

I am new to Jasmine and seem to be struggling to get what I think is a fairy standard kind of thing running. 我是Jasmine的新手,似乎很难使我认为是一种童话标准的事情得以运行。

I am loading an HTML file via a fixture and trying to call a click on an element on the dom. 我正在通过固定装置加载HTML文件,并尝试在dom上的元素上单击。 This I would expect result in the call to the method of the JS file I am trying to test. 我希望这会导致调用我要测试的JS文件的方法。 When I try and debug this in developer tools the method that should be called in my js file never hits a breakpoint. 当我尝试在开发人员工具中调试此方法时,应该在我的js文件中调用的方法永远不会遇到断点。 As such I assume that code is not being called and therfore does not toggle the expand/collapse class. 因此,我假设未调用代码,因此也不会切换expand / collapse类。

My test: 我的测试:

describe("userExpand", function () {
beforeEach(function () {

    //  toHaveClass: function (className) {
    //      return this.actual.hasClass(className);
    //  }

    //this test works ok
it("checks the click is firing", function () {
    spyOnEvent($('.expanded'), 'click');
//this doesn't
it("checks the click is changing the class", function () {
    //spyOnEvent($('.collapsed'), 'click');
    var myElement = $('.collapsed');

Part of the fixture: 夹具的一部分:

<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="row group">
        <div class="col-md-1" data-bordercolour="">&nbsp;</div>
        <div class="collapsed col-md-1">&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
        <div class="col-md-9">None (1)</div>

The JS I am trying to test: 我正在尝试测试的JS:

var userControl = function () {
"use strict";

var collapse = '.collapsed';
var expand = '.expanded';
var userList = $(".userList");

function toggleState() {
    var currentControl = $(this);
    if (currentControl.hasClass('all')) {
        if (currentControl.hasClass('expanded')) {
            toggleIcon(currentControl, collapse);
        } else {
            toggleIcon(currentControl, expand);
    } else {
        currentControl.toggleClass("expanded collapsed");

function toggleIcon(ctrl, currentState) {
    var details = ctrl.closest('div.row').siblings('.wrapper');
    details.find(currentState).toggleClass('expanded collapsed');
    if (currentState === expand) {
    } else {

userList.on('click', '.expanded, .collapsed', toggleState);

$('[data-bordercolour]').each(function () {
    $(this).css("background-color", $(this).data('bordercolour'))
        .find('>:first-child').css("background-color", $(this).data('bordercolour'));

return {
    toggleState: toggleState

}(); }();

The code works fine in normal use so I am sure I am missing something obvious with the way Jasmine should be used. 该代码在正常使用中工作正常,因此我确信我应该使用Jasmine的方式中缺少明显的东西。 Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Update: I can make the togglestate method fire by using call in the test rather than triggering a click event: 更新:我可以通过在测试中使用call来触发togglestate方法,而不是触发click事件:

it('checks on click of icon toggles that icon', function () {
    var myElement = $('.collapsed');

This seems a little strange as all the examples I can find are quite happy with click. 这似乎有些奇怪,因为我能找到的所有示例都对单击感到满意。 Gets me off the hook but I would still like to know what I am missing. 让我摆脱困境,但我仍然想知道我在想什么。

It's hard to give a precise hint without the source code. 没有源代码很难给出精确的提示。 Does click on .collapsed involve asynchronous action(s)? click .collapsed是否涉及异步操作? If so, wrapping the test in runs(...); waitsFor(...); runs(...); 如果是这样,则将测试包装在runs(...); waitsFor(...); runs(...); runs(...); waitsFor(...); runs(...); may solve the problem. 可能解决问题。 Check the Jasmine introduction for how to do this. 查看Jasmine简介 ,了解如何执行此操作。

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