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[英]session expiring after refreshing page PHP

I am having problems with a custom start session.For security reasons I decide to look for a method that is safe when starting a session and I came across this tutorial and implemented the method related to start session. 我在自定义启动会话中遇到问题。出于安全原因,我决定在启动会话时寻找一种安全的方法,并且偶然发现了本教程并实现了与启动会话相关的方法。

The problem is that whenever I am initiating a new session variable and redirect to another page which is expecting the value from the initialized session, all my session variable that I initialed earlier on get destroyed forcing the user to logout.Below is my function I am using to start sessions: 问题是,每当我启动一个新的会话变量并重定向到另一个页面时,该页面都希望从已初始化的会话中获取该值,那么我之前初始化的所有会话变量都会被破坏,迫使用户注销。以下是我的功能用于开始会议:

 function sec_session_start(){
$session_name = 'sec_session_id';//set a custom session Name
$secure = false;//true if are using https
$httponly = true; //this stops javascript from accessing session id 

ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);//FORCES session to only use cookies
$cookie_params  = session_get_cookie_params();//Get current cookie params
session_name($session_name);//set the session name to the one set above
if (!isset($_SESSION)){session_start();}//start the php session
session_regenerate_id();//regenerate new session id and delete the old one THIS IS TO  PREVENT SESSION HIJACK


I have searched for an answer to my problem with no luck, Please help me on this. 我没有运气,一直在寻找问题的答案,请为此提供帮助。

NB - when I use the default session_start everything works perfect. 注意:当我使用默认的session_start时,一切正常。

You should start session, not when $_SESSION is not set. 您应该启动会话,而不是在未设置$_SESSION情况下。

if (!isset($_SESSION)){session_start();}//start the php session
session_regenerate_id();//regenerate new session id and delete the old one THIS IS TO  PREVENT SESSION HIJACK

should be 应该

session_start();//Start new or resume existing session
session_regenerate_id();//regenerate new session id and delete the old one THIS IS TO  PREVENT SESSION HIJACK

Reference: session_regenerate_id 参考: session_regenerate_id


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