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如何在Websphere Application Server v8.0中查找发布路径

[英]How to find the publish path in Websphere Application Server v8.0

In my local workspace, i separated my application into several web applications, which are wrapped with EAR, then publish it to Websphere Application Server v8.0, in previous version of WAS, i can find the place that my WAS published, but i can't find it for WAS v8.0, anybody have idea. 在本地工作区中,我将我的应用程序分成几个用EAR打包的Web应用程序,然后将其发布到Websphere Application Server v8.0,在WAS的早期版本中,我可以找到WAS发布的位置,但是我可以在WAS v8.0中找不到它,任何人都有想法。

BTW, i am using IBM Rational Application Developer v8.5. 顺便说一句,我正在使用IBM Rational Application Developer v8.5。

Execute a simple JSP file in your Web Application with the following lines: 使用以下行在Web应用程序中执行一个简单的 JSP文件:

<h1>Real Path for this Context</h1>

You'll get the real path from which Websphere is serving the published files for the context that you are testing. 您将获得Websphere为您正在测试的上下文提供已发布文件的真实路径。

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