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[英]Return multiple values from Stored Procedure in C#

I need to return 2 values from stored procedure in my application. 我需要从应用程序中的存储过程中返回2个值。 Below is the code snippet in my application. 下面是我的应用程序中的代码片段。 I need to get the values of SureveyID & InputID below after the respective insert statements. 在相应的插入语句之后,我需要在下面获取SureveyID和InputID的值。

        int surveyId = 0;
        int inputId = 0;    
        SqlDataManager manager = new SqlDataManager();
        manager.AddParameter("@Name", surveyInstance.SurveyName);
        manager.AddParameter("@Type", surveyInstance.SurveyType);
        manager.AddParameter("@UserId", surveyInstance.UserId);
        manager.AddParameter("@InputType", surveyInstance.InputType);
        manager.AddParameter("@DisplayName", surveyInstance.DisplayName);
        manager.AddOutputParameter("@InputID", System.Data.DbType.Int32,inputId);

AddParameter & AddOutputParameter is custom method as below AddParameter和AddOutputParameter是如下的自定义方法

 public void AddParameter(string parameterName, DbType parameterType, object        parameterValue)
        SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter();
        parameter.ParameterName = parameterName;
        parameter.DbType = parameterType;
        parameter.Value = parameterValue;

public void AddOutputParameter(string parameterName, DbType parameterType, object parameterValue)
            SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter();
            parameter.ParameterName = parameterName;
            parameter.DbType = parameterType;
            parameter.Value = parameterValue;
            parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

Below is code snippet from stored procedure 下面是存储过程中的代码片段

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pr_CreateSurvey] 
    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
    @Name varchar(50),@Type varchar(50),@UserId varchar(50),@InputType varchar(50),@DisplayName varchar(50),
    @SurveyID int OUTPUT,@InputID int OUTPUT
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.

    -- Insert statements for procedure here
    Insert into surveys(name,user_id,display_name,type) values(@Name,@UserId,@DisplayName,@Type)
    Insert into input_types(name) values (@InputType)

The insert statements are working fine but I am not getting back any value in my application. insert语句运行良好,但我的应用程序未获得任何价值。 Its 0. I tried returning 1 value(SurveyID) by using below statement but still not getting correct value. 它的值为0。我尝试通过使用以下语句返回1值(SurveyID),但仍未获得正确的值。 Its returning -1 everytime. 每次返回-1。

surveyId = manager.ExecuteNonQuery("pr_CreateSurvey");

I tried a lot but no luck. 我尝试了很多但是没有运气。 Please advise. 请指教。

find the values of the output parameters in the Parameters collection of your SqlCommand ... like 在SqlCommand的Parameters集合中找到输出参数的值...


after you executed 执行后


Keep a variable of your ouput parameters around and check the .Value afterwards. 保留输出参数的变量,然后检查.Value。 The ouput gets written to the parameter, but due to boxing, it does not get written to your int. 输出被写入参数,但是由于装箱,它不会被写入您的int。 Basically, your int was copied into the parameter and your original variables do not change. 基本上,您的int已复制到参数中,并且原始变量不会更改。

ExecuteNonQuery returns the number of rows affected, not anything else. ExecuteNonQuery返回受影响的行数,而不是其他任何行。

I've never used output parameters in my stored procedures for this. 我从未在存储过程中使用过输出参数。 What I usually do is select out the values I want to return. 我通常要做的是选择要返回的值。

So after you do this: 因此,执行此操作后:


I will do this 我会做的

select @SurveyID as SurveyID,@InputID as InputID

Of course I'll declare those variables within the stored procedure and not as OUTPUT 当然,我将在存储过程中声明这些变量,而不是将其声明为OUTPUT

This should give you what you want. 这应该给您您想要的。 If it's the correct way? 如果是正确的方法? Not sure. 不确定。 But it sure as hell works and is easy ;) 但是可以肯定的是,它确实可行并且很容易;)

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