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[英]Sending email by form without refreshing

Im creating page with parallax scrolling, contact box is in last section. 我正在创建具有视差滚动的页面,联系方式框在最后一节。 If I use simple html + php contact box, page will refresh to first section, so user will have to scroll back to contact section to see result. 如果我使用简单的html + php联系人框,页面将刷新到第一部分,因此用户必须滚动回联系部分才能看到结果。 To correct this I am trying to make script that will send email without reloading page. 为了纠正这个问题,我正在尝试制作将不重新加载页面而发送电子邮件的脚本。 (by Jquery) (由Jquery提供)

This is how it looks like: 这是它的样子:


<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="formularz">
        <label  for="name">Imię</label><input type="text" name="name" id="formularz_name"/></br></br>
        <label  for="email">Email</label><input type="text" name="email" id="formularz_email"/></br></br>
        <label  for="phone">Telefon</label><input type="text" name="phone" id="formularz_phone"/></br></br>
        <label  for="enquiry">Zapytanie</label><textarea name="enquiry" cols="20" rows="10" id="formularz_text"></textarea></br></br>
        <input type="submit" id="contact_button" value="Wyślij" />

Jquery: jQuery的:

$('#contact_button').click(function () {

    var name = $('#formularz_name').val();
    var email = $('#formularz_email').val();
    var phone = $('#formularz_phone').val();
    var text = $('#formularz_text').val();

            url: 'inc/contact.php',
            data: {'name': name, 'email': email, 'phone': phone, 'text': text},
            type: 'POST',
            success: function(odp){





    if (!$name || !$email || !$phone || !$text) {
        $problem = TRUE;
       echo("<br><p>Musisz wypełnić wszystkie pola.</p>");

    if (!$problem){

    $data = date("d.m.y");

    $message = "
    <p>Name: $name</p>
    <p>Phone: $phone</p>
    <p>Email: $email</p>
    <p>Enquiry: $text</p>";

$od = "$email";
$content = $message;
$header = "From: $od \r\n";
$header  .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n";
 (mail('lethysek@gmail.com', 'New message from website Angelzena', $content, $header));

                     echo("<br><p>Wiadomość została wysłana.</p>");

          echo("<p>Spróbuj ponownie</p>");


Why it doesn't work? 为什么它不起作用? When i click submit, page is refreshed and nothing happens. 当我点击提交时,页面会刷新,没有任何反应。

  1. First 第一

Using button instead of submit to prevent refreshing. 使用button代替submit以防止刷新。

Change <input type="submit" id="contact_button" value="Wyślij" /> To <input type="button" id="contact_button" value="Wyślij" /> 更改<input type="submit" id="contact_button" value="Wyślij" /><input type="button" id="contact_button" value="Wyślij" />

Try to serialize your form data to avoid unnecessary geting input values and prevent the default action of form (submit). 尝试序列化表单数据以避免不必要的geting输入值并阻止表单(提交)的默认操作。

$("form").on("submit", function(event) {
    var formData = $(this).serialize();
        url: 'inc/contact.php',
        data: formData,
        type: 'POST',
        success: function(odp){

尝试删除标签周围的包装器(你已经有一个jquery ajax()调用POST)并添加$ _POST ['name']作为其他提到的实际初始化你的php变量。

You need to stop the form from submitting in your jquery. 您需要阻止表单在您的jquery中提交。 Try this: 尝试这个:

$('#formularz').submit(function ( e ) {

    var name = $('#formularz_name').val();
    var email = $('#formularz_email').val();
    var phone = $('#formularz_phone').val();
    var text = $('#formularz_text').val();

            url: 'inc/contact.php',
            data: {'name': name, 'email': email, 'phone': phone, 'text': text},
            type: 'POST',
            success: function(odp){




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