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[英]ruby on rails - Search form with select_tag

I have 2 models, Post and Location, where location has_many posts and post belongs_to location. 我有2个模型,即Post和Location,其中location has_many个帖子和post includes_to location。 I want to make a search function with 3 conditions. 我想使用3个条件进行搜索。 With the following code it did not return any thing in my testing. 使用以下代码,它在我的测试中未返回任何内容。

View search.html: 查看search.html:

<%= form_tag search_posts_path, :method => 'get' do %>
        <%= text_field_tag :title, params[:title] %>
        <%= text_field_tag :company, params[:company] %>
        <%= select_tag :location_id, options_from_collection_for_select(Location.all, :id, :name, params[:location_id]), include_blank: true %>
        <%= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil %>
<% end %>

Controller post_controller.rb: 控制器post_controller.rb:

  def search
    title = params[:title]
    company = params[:company]
    location_id = params[:location_id]
    @posts = Post.search(title, company, location_id)

Model Post.rb 模型Post.rb

def self.search(title, company, location_id)
    return scoped unless title.present? || company.present? || location_id.present?
where(['title LIKE ? AND company LIKE ? AND location_id = ?', "%#{title}%", "%#{company}%", "%#{location_id}%"])

There is no need of '%' for location_id if location_id is not a string.Hope this helps. 如果location_id不是字符串,则不需要'%'作为location_id,希望这会有所帮助。

Model Post.rb 模型Post.rb

def self.search(title, company, location_id)
  return scoped unless title.present? || company.present? || location_id.present?
  where(['title LIKE ? AND company LIKE ? AND location_id = ?', "%#{title}%", "%#    
  {company}%", location_id])

You don't need % around our location_id and you shouldn't convert it to string 您不需要在location_id周围加上%,也不应将其转换为字符串

Few debugging tips for future reference: 少量调试技巧可供将来参考:

a) Check whether this actually should return anything - does such a record exists in current db? a)检查它是否实际上应该返回任何内容-当前数据库中是否存在这样的记录?

b) Try runnig the query through console. b)尝试通过控制台运行查询。 You can use .to_sql on relation object to see what SQL is executed 您可以在关系对象上使用.to_sql来查看执行了什么SQL

c) If no results, try break your where conditions and check which bit works and which doesn't (I'm almost sure the problem is related with data types for location_id) c)如果没有结果,请尝试打破您的where条件,并检查哪个位有效,哪个无效(我几乎可以确定问题与location_id的数据类型有关)

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