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[英]Using regex to find block containing a certain word

I'm trying to find blocks like these using regex. 我正在尝试使用正则表达式查找类似这些的块。 An example of the code I'm trying to find is shown bellow, 下面显示了我要查找的代码示例,

entity //This is what I want to select
    "id" "2"
    "classname" "light"   //This is what it should contain
    "_light" "255 255 255 200"
    "_lightHDR" "-1 -1 -1 1"
    "_lightscaleHDR" "1"
    "_quadratic_attn" "1"
    "origin" "-128 0 -128"
        "color" "220 30 220"
        "visgroupshown" "1"
        "visgroupautoshown" "1"
        "logicalpos" "[0 0]"

How would I go forward finding this block? 我将如何继续寻找这个障碍? Blocks not containing "classname" "light" should not be selected. 不应选择不包含“ classname”“ light”的块。 Can anyone help me out? 谁能帮我吗?

Try this: 尝试这个:

entity\s*\{[^}]*"classname" "light"[^}]*\}\s*\}

The key term here is [^}]* , which ensures the match doesn't run over to the next block. 此处的关键术语是[^}]* ,以确保匹配不会延续到下一个块。

See a live demo of this regex in action with your example and a non-matching example. 结合示例和不匹配的示例,观看此正则表达式的实时演示

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