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支持HTML5的浏览器; 他们会停止支持HTML5不支持的标签和属性吗?

[英]Browsers that support HTML5; will they stop supporting tags & attributes which are not supported by HTML5?

For tag <tr> ; 对于标签<tr> ; none of the attributes(align, bgcolor, char, charoff, valign) are supported in HTML5. HTML5不支持任何属性(align,bgcolor,char,charoff,valign)。

Will any browser ever actually stop supporting it?Will the attributes stop making sense to browser? 任何浏览器都会停止支持吗?这些属性对浏览器是否有意义?

There is no such things as being “supported by HTML5”. 没有“ HTML5支持”之类的东西。 HTML5 is a draft specification, and specifications do not “support” things, though they may require conforming implementations to support (implement) things. HTML5是规范草案,尽管规范可能需要一致的实现来支持(实现)事物,但它们并不“支持”事物。

Attributes like align , bgcolor , char , charoff , and valign are described in HTML5 CR and it requires implementations to support them. alignbgcolorcharcharoffvalign类的属性在HTML5 CR中进行了描述,并且需要实现来支持它们。 Thus, assuming that HTML5 CR will be approved as a specification, a conforming brower will keep supporting them. 因此,假设HTML5 CR将被批准为规范,那么合格的浏览器继续支持它们。 This is by definition: if it stops supporting them, it is not conforming. 根据定义,这就是:如果它不再支持它们,那就不符合要求。

Quite apart from this, HTML5 CR declares those attributes entirely obsolete and defines that conforming documents must not use them. 除此之外,HTML5 CR完全声明了那些属性,并定义了符合条件的文档不得使用它们。 But this is just a requirement on documents and authors, and violating the requirement has no implications as such. 但这只是对文档和作者的要求,违反此要求没有任何暗示。

On the other hand, the char and charoff attributes and the attribute specification align=char are not supported by browsers. 另一方面,浏览器不支持charcharoff属性以及属性规范align=char This has nothing to do with their being declared obsolete in HTML. 这与在HTML中声明它们已过时无关。 It's just so that they, or their CSS counterparts, have not been implemented in browsers. 只是因为它们或它们的CSS对应物尚未在浏览器中实现。

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