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[英]Why is bootstrap css using box-sizing: border-box?

I'm using only the bootstrap dropdown component but its css shrinked many of my existent layout elements and the page looks now a like damaged. 我仅使用bootstrap下拉组件,但是它的css缩小了许多我现有的布局元素,因此页面看起来像已损坏。 After a closer look I found out what's causing this: 仔细查看后,我发现是什么原因造成的:

*:after {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box;

Why are they doing this? 他们为什么要这样做?

Remove the global reset border-box from the scaffolding area and in your dropdown css adjust the math OR in the rest of your site adjust for the border-box, so if something had a padding of 10px and a total width of 200px, the old way you'd have 180px as the width, but now just make the width the actual width and the borders are counted. 从脚手架区域中删除全局重置边框,然后在CSS下拉菜单中调整数学,或者在网站的其余部分中调整边框,因此,如果某填充的边框为10px,总宽度为200px,则旧边框您将宽度设置为180px的方式,但是现在只需将宽度设置为实际宽度,然后计算边框。 This is the same for borders too. 边界也是如此。

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