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[英]get from renderUI in shiny

I am building a shiny application for data visualization from a database. 我正在从数据库构建一个闪亮的数据可视化应用程序。 I am trying to run a ggplot using input values from renderUI but gives me an error of 我试图使用来自renderUI的输入值运行ggplot但是给了我一个错误

Error in na.omit(xVariable) : object 'xVariable' not found.

What could be the problem? 可能是什么问题呢?

Server.R Server.R


database <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user='user', password='', dbname='database', host='host')
dbResultSet <- dbSendQuery(database, "select * from core") #Query database for information
core<- fetch(dbResultSet, n=-1) #fetch resultset into a data frame
on.exit(dbDisconnect(database)) #Safely close database connection on application close
 shinyServer(function(input, output) {

output$graphData <- renderUI({
    selectInput("dataset", "Choose a dataset:" ,choices = c("pneumonia","core"))


  #defining the xVariables for plotting
  #Create variables to be used for graphing based on the data entered
  #datasetInput <- dataset

output$xVariable <- renderUI({
    #Initializes the variable
    selectInput("xVariable","X Variable",names(graphData))

  graphType<- renderText({ as.character(input$graphType) }) #graph type
  graphSecondary<- renderText({ as.character(input$graphTypeSecondary) }) #graph type
  xAxis <- reactive ({ input$xVariable })
  yAxis <- reactive ({ input$yVariable })
  xTitle <- renderText ({ as.character(input$xLabel ) })
  yTitle <- renderText ({ as.character(input$yLabel ) })
  legend <- renderText ({ as.character(input$legendTitle) })#graph legend
  #xVar <- as.factor(xVariable)
 # yVar <- as.factor(yVariable)

output$plot <- renderPlot({
     pneumonia.df<- data.frame(pneumonia)  
    c <- ggplot(core, aes(x=na.omit (xVariable) ,fill=xVariable))
    plot <-  c + geom_bar() + xlab(xTitle())+ylab(yTitle())
    # hist(as.numeric(core.df$nresprate))

ui.R ui.R

   # Application title.
  headerPanel("Core - Database"),

    #plotting data sidebar panel
      "$('li.active a').last().html()==='Graphs'",
      HTML("<div class='span6'>"),
      h4("Primary Plot"),
     # selectInput("dataset", "Choose a dataset:" ,choices = c("pneumonia","core")),
      selectInput("graphType", "Choose graph to plot:",
                  list("Please Select a Graph" = "default",
                       "Histogram" = "hist",
                       "Box Plot" = "box",
                        "Scatter Plot" = "scatter"                      
      textInput("xLabel","X Label"),
      textInput("yLabel","Y Label"),
      textInput("legendTitle","Legend Title"),
     helpText("Note: The graph only shows the data count only and scatter plots"),submitButton("Execute"),
       tabPanel("Graphs",h4("Plot"),h4("Available Data"), plotOutput("plot")) 

In your renderPlot command your refer to xVariable in the fill and na.omit options. 在你renderPlot命令你指xVariablefillna.omit选项。 You should call it input$xVariable instead. 您应该将其命名为input$xVariable


Based on the error message in the comment, you need to check the reactivity for the code. 根据注释中的错误消息,您需要检查代码的反应性。 In the renderPlot part you have c and plot that are used as names to hold plots based on reactive data. renderPlot部分中,您有cplot作为名称来保存基于反应数据的图。 I have two suggestions: 我有两个建议:

1) Rename these: c and plot are already the names of R functions and using these as names for you graphs could lead to unintended consequences. 1)重命名这些: cplot已经是R函数的名称,并使用这些作为图表的名称可能会导致意想不到的后果。

2) you need to add reactive ({}) wrappers around the lines that make these two things as they are using reactive data and you want them to change as the inputs change. 2)你需要在生成这两件事的行周围添加reactive ({})包装器,因为他们使用反应数据并且你希望它们随着输入的变化而变化。

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