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[英]SQL query: for each state with specific number of sailors

I'm starting to learn to write SQL queries. 我开始学习编写SQL查询。 However, I'm still struggling with that. 但是,我仍在为此而苦苦挣扎。 I had to write a query that gives back for each state that has more than 5 sailors the sailor id and the total number of reservations that he has made. 我必须编写一个查询,该查询针对拥有5个以上水手的每个州返回水手ID和他已进行的预订总数。 The schemas are as following: 模式如下:

Slr ( sid , sname , rating , state ) and Reserves ( sid , bid , day ). Slrsidsnameratingstate )和Reservessidbidday )。

Here's my trial: 这是我的审判:

Select slr.state, slr.sid, count(*)
From slr left join Reserves on slr.sid=reserves.sid
Group By s.state
Having count(*) >= 5

I know it's not correct, but what can I change ? 我知道这是不正确的,但是我可以更改什么?

Something like this should get you started. 这样的事情应该会让您入门。

select slr.id
, state
, count(*) records

from slr join
(select state thestate, count(*) staterecords
 from slr
 group by state
 having count(*) >= 5 ) temp on state = thestate
 group by slr.id

This gives you the sailor id's in states with 5 or more sailors. 这使您的州的水手ID达到5个或更多。 There is nothing in your question that helps me with the part about how many reservations he has made. 您的问题中没有什么对他保留了多少保留项有帮助。

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