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[英]Bound of longest common sub sequence

I need to find the most tight bound (for the worst case) for the recursive Longest common sub sequence problem(only the length of it). 我需要找到递归最长公共子序列问题(仅它的长度)的最紧密边界(对于最坏的情况)。 I mean complexity bound in terms of m and n, m is the length of string s and n the length of string t. 我的意思是复杂性以m和n为界,m是字符串s的长度,n是字符串t的长度。 Can anyone help me please? 有人可以帮我吗?

code is: 代码是:

def lcs_len_v1(s, t): 
    n = len(s)
    m = len(t)
    return lcs_len_rec(s,n,t,m)

def lcs_len_rec(s,size_s,t,size_t):

    if size_s==0 or size_t==0: #if one of the strings is empty
        return 0

    if s[0] == t[0]: #if we find a common char
        return lcs_len_rec(s[1:],len(s[1:]), t[1:],len(t[1:]))+1
        return max(lcs_len_rec(s,len(s),t[1:],len(t[1:])), lcs_len_rec(s[1:],len(s[1:]),t,len(t)))

This is the fastest implementation that I was able to write in Python: 这是我用Python编写的最快的实现:

def lcs(x, y):
    '''returns the length of longest common subsequence of x and y.
       >>> lcs('abcde','aebd')
    s_x, s_y = len(x), len(y)
    if s_x>s_y: 
        x, y = y, x
        s_x, s_y = s_y, s_x
    y_previous = s_x*[0]
    for y_char in y:
        left_value = 0
        diagonal_value = 0
        for x_char in x:
            up_value = y_previous[n]
            if y_char==x_char:
                left_value = diagonal_value+1
                if left_value<up_value: 
                    left_value = up_value 
            diagonal_value = up_value
            y_previous[n] = left_value 
    return y_previous[-1]

If you want to improve the performance you can compile it with Cython. 如果您想提高性能,可以使用Cython进行编译。 It runs 90 times faster! 它运行速度快90倍!

cimport cython
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free

def lcs(x, y):
    cdef int s_x
    cdef int s_y
    s_x, s_y = len(x), len(y)
    if s_x>s_y: 
        x, y = y, x
        s_x, s_y = s_y, s_x

    cdef int i

    temp_y_previous = s_x*[0]
    cdef int *y_previous
    y_previous = <int *>malloc(s_x*cython.sizeof(int))
    if y_previous is NULL:
        raise MemoryError()
    for i in xrange(s_x):
        y_previous[i] = temp_y_previous[i]

    cdef char *cx
    cx = <char *>malloc(s_x*cython.sizeof(char))
    if cx is NULL:
        raise MemoryError()
    for character in x:

    cdef char *cy
    cy = <char *>malloc(s_y*cython.sizeof(char))
    if cy is NULL:
        raise MemoryError()
    for character in y:

    cdef int k=0
    cdef int left_value
    cdef int diagonal_value
    cdef int n
    cdef str y_char
    cdef str x_char
    while k<s_y:
         left_value = 0
         diagonal_value = 0
         while n<s_x:
             if cy[k]==cx[n]:
                 left_value = diagonal_value+1
                 if left_value<y_previous[n]:
                     left_value = y_previous[n]
             diagonal_value = y_previous[n]
             y_previous[n] = left_value 
    with nogil:
    return y_previous[s_x-1]

I think this will work. 我认为这会奏效。 But I also think it is slow for long strings. 但我也认为长弦很慢。

def max_common_str_len(s, t):
     if len(s) > len(t):
         return max_common_str_len(t, s)
     for length in range(len(s),0,-1):
         for offset in range(len(s)-length+1):
             if s[offset:offset+length] in t:
                 return length
         return 0

max_common_str_len('there is a house in new orleans', 'this is a house')

Output 产量


Edit 编辑

I also experimented with your code. 我还试验了你的代码。 I think it is slow for medium strings, because your function calls the lcs_len_rec -function with the same parameters. 我认为它对于中等字符串来说很慢,因为你的函数使用相同的参数调用lcs_len_rec Think about cache/memoize it with a decorator: 考虑使用装饰器缓存/记忆它:

import functools

def lcs_len_rec(###your code###

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