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[英]Create Close Event To Emit from Custom Overlay

So I've got a rails app using backbone.js and coffeescript. 所以我有一个使用ribs.js和coffeescript的Rails应用程序。 I've created a backbone view called "Overlay" that looks like this: 我创建了一个名为“ Overlay”的主视图,如下所示:

class MyApp.Views.Overlay extends Backbone.View

  template: JST['overlay']

  contentDiv: ->

  initialize: (options) ->
    @content = options.content
    @width = options.width

  render: ->
    @$el.append @template()
    @contentDiv().append @content                                                                                                                 

  events: ->
    'click': 'overlayClick'
    'click .close': 'removeOverlay'

  overlayClick: (event) ->
    target = $(event.target)
    unless target.hasClass('overlay-content') or target.parents('.overlay-content').length > 0

  removeOverlay: ->

and my template (which is hamljs) 和我的模板(是hamljs)

    %a.close Close

and I call it like so 我这样称呼它

@overlay = new MyApp.Views.Overlay(el: 'body', content: 'some content)

This is real simple, essentially you pass it some arbitrary string or html to be rendered in the overlay and it adds a nice lil overlay to the body. 这实际上很简单,实际上,您可以向其传递一些任意的字符串或html以在覆盖中呈现,并且它会向主体添加漂亮的lil覆盖。

What I am trying to do is write some code in the view that handles the generation of this overlay like so: 我想做的是在视图中编写一些代码来处理此叠加层的生成,如下所示:

@overlay.on('close', someFunction)

However, I haven't the faintest clue how to go about doing this. 但是,我不知道如何执行此操作。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

You can use backbone to trigger events from the view 您可以使用主干从视图触发事件

removeOverlay: ->

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