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Grunt usemin和useminPrepare多个目标

[英]Grunt usemin and useminPrepare multiple targets

From the usemin issues it appears that usemin and useminPrepare support multiple targets in the latest version: usemin问题看来, useminuseminPrepare支持最新版本中的多个目标:

Support multiple targets in useminPrepare: 在useminPrepare中支持多个目标:

usemin support: usemin支持:

I've tried using multiple targets with the following configuration: 我尝试过使用以下配置的多个目标:

useminPrepare: {
    foo: {
        dest: 'fooDist',
        src: ['foo/index.html']
    bar: {
        dest: 'barDist',
        src: ['bar/index.html']
usemin: {
    foo: {
        options: {
            assetsDirs : ['fooDist']
        html: ['fooDist/**/*.html'],
        css: ['fooDist/styles/**/*.css']
    bar: {
        options: {
            assetsDirs : ['barDist']
        html: ['barDist/**/*.html'],
        css: ['barDist/styles/**/*.css']

but I receive the following error: 但是我收到以下错误:

Running "usemin:foo" (usemin) task Warning: Unsupported pattern: foo 运行“usemin:foo”(usemin)任务警告:不支持的模式:foo

Use --force to continue. 使用--force继续。

Using grunt-usemin 2.0.2 使用grunt-usemin 2.0.2

foo/index.html and bar/index.html being the main pages for 2 single page applications. foo/index.htmlbar/index.html是2个单页面应用程序的主要页面。

Thanks for your help! 谢谢你的帮助!

by default usemin tries to detect parser type (html,css) from the target name. 默认情况下,usemin尝试从目标名称中检测解析器类型(html,css)。 when you are using a target that it's name is not a valid parser type you should use the type option to specify the parser type manually. 当您使用目标时,它的名称不是有效的解析器类型,您应该使用type选项手动指定解析器类型。 this will result in two target for every dest, one for html and one for css. 这将导致每个dest的两个目标,一个用于html,一个用于css。

           assetsDirs : ['fooDist'],
       files: {src: ['fooDist/**/*.html']}
            assetsDirs : ['fooDist'],
        files: {src: ['fooDist/styles/**/*.css']}
            assetsDirs : ['barDist'],
        files: {src: ['barDist/**/*.html']}
            assetsDirs : ['barDist'],
        files: {src: ['barDist/styles/**/*.css']}

https://github.com/yeoman/grunt-usemin/issues/255 https://github.com/yeoman/grunt-usemin/issues/255

Do you need both projects to live under the same repository and the same Gruntfile? 您是否需要两个项目都位于同一个存储库和相同的Gruntfile下?

You said yourself they are "main pages for 2 single page applications". 你说自己是“2页单页应用程序的主页”。 If you can afford to divide it into two different projects, you'll probably save yourself some pain. 如果你有能力把它分成两个不同的项目,你可能会省去一些痛苦。

Alternatively, you can group both indexes under a common directory. 或者,您可以将两个索引分组到公共目录下。 This is how I use grunt-usemin with two different index files: 这就是我如何使用grunt-usemin和两个不同的索引文件:

    html: ['build/<%= relativePath %>/index.html', 'build/<%= relativePath %>/orderPlaced/index.html']
        dest: 'build/'
        root: 'build/'

    html: ['build/<%= relativePath %>/index.html', 'build/<%= relativePath %>/orderPlaced/index.html']

Not sure if this will help, but I was able to succeed at doing what you were trying with a combination of Grunt-Contrib-Min and Grunt-Contr 不确定这是否会有所帮助,但我能够通过Grunt-Contrib-Min和Grunt-Contr的组合成功完成您的尝试

'use strict';

module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project Configuration
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    copy: {
      main: {
        options: {
            encoding: 'UTF-16'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/audio/*',
          dest: 'bin/pro/audio/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/fonts/*',
          dest: 'bin/pro/fonts/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/adaptors/*.html',
          dest: 'bin/pro/adaptors/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/lib/*',
          dest: 'bin/pro/lib/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/img/*',
          dest: 'bin/pro/img/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/manifest.json',
          dest: 'bin/pro/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/audio/*',
          dest: 'bin/lite/audio/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/fonts/*',
          dest: 'bin/lite/fonts/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/adaptors/*.html',
          dest: 'bin/lite/adaptors/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/lib/*',
          dest: 'bin/lite/lib/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/img-lite/*',
          dest: 'bin/lite/img/'
          expand: 'true',
          flatten: 'true',
          src: 'src/lite/manifest.json',
          dest: 'bin/lite/'
    uglify: {
        all: {
            files: {
              'bin/pro/js/cupid.min.js': ['src/popup.js','src/cupid.js','src/adaptors/*.js'],
              'bin/pro/background.js': ['src/background.js'],
              'bin/lite/js/cupid.min.js': ['src/popup.js','src/cupid.js','src/adaptors/*.js'],
              'bin/lite/background.js': ['src/background.js'],
              'bin/lite/lite.js': ['src/lite.js'],
              'bin/pro/pro.js': ['src/pro.js'],
            options: {
                compress: false,
    targethtml: {
      dist: {
        files: {
          'bin/pro/popup.html': 'src/popup.html'
      lite: {
        files: {
          'bin/lite/popup.html': 'src/popup.html'

    cssmin: {
        all: {
            files: {
              'bin/pro/cupid.min.css': ['src/*.css'],
              'bin/lite/cupid.min.css': ['src/*.css'],

            options: {
                compress: true,

//Default task(s).

grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify','cssmin','copy','targethtml']);


This Grunt File will take my App directory, output it all into the PRO folder with some special tags added, and also output everything AGAIN to the Lite folder, with other switches set. 这个Grunt文件将占用我的App目录,将其全部输出到PRO文件夹中,并添加一些特殊标签,并将所有AGAIN输出到Lite文件夹,并设置其他开关。

Although multiple targets are not supported currently in usemin, they do allow you to define new patterns... 虽然目前在usemin中不支持多个目标,但它们允许您定义新模式...

So in the meantime you can define new targets using something like: 因此,在此期间,您可以使用以下内容定义新目标:

usemin: {
            html: ['index.html'],
            css: ['styles/{,*/}*.css'],
            options: {
                assetsDirs: ['src'],
                patterns: {
                    templates: [[ /<img[^\>]+src=['"]([^"']+)["']/gm,
                        'Update the templates with the new img filenames'
            templates: "scripts/**/*.tpl.html"

As a workaround (struggled with this for a while), we decided to run the entire grunt job twice and added a grunt option which toggled the target file to a different value. 作为一种解决方法(一段时间都在努力),我们决定两次运行整个grunt作业并添加一个grunt选项,将目标文件切换为不同的值。 Not elegant, but simple. 不优雅,但简单。

I was attempting to do something similar where I had multiple pages/templates with different dependent css/js/img files which I wanted to separately process through usemin. 我试图做类似的事情,我有多个页面/模板与不同的依赖css / js / img文件,我想通过usemin单独处理。 You can use a single Gruntfile.js and use a multitask to accomplish multiple targets and destinations with usemin. 您可以使用单个Gruntfile.js并使用多任务来使用usemin完成多个目标和目标。 This would be your gruntfile: 这将是你的gruntfile:

var packageConfig = [];
var gruntConfig = {};
gruntConfig.useminPrepareMulti = {};
gruntConfig.useminPrepare = {};
gruntConfig.usemin = {
  html: [],
  css: [],
  options: {
    assetDirs: []

var projectDirs = ['foo', 'bar'];

var src, dist;
projectDirs.forEach(function(dir) {
  src = path1 + dir;
  dist= path2 + dir;
  gruntConfig.useminPrepareMulti[dir] = {
    html: src + '*.html',
    options: {
      dest: dist,
      staging: '.tmp' + dir,
      flow: { html: { steps : { js : ['concat'] } } },
      post: {}
  gruntConfig.usemin.html.push(dist + '*.html');
  gruntConfig.usemin.css.push(dist + '/styles/*.css');
  gruntConfig.usemin.options.assetsDirs.push( dist, dist + '/styles');


grunt.registerMultiTask('useminPrepareMulti', 'multi-target-usemin', function() {
  grunt.config.set('useminPrepare', this.data);

With the tasks registered you can run all the different target/dest configurations with: 注册任务后,您可以运行所有不同的目标/目标配置:

grunt.registerTask('default', ['useminPrepareMulti']);

Or run them individually from the packageConfig you created: 或者从您创建的packageConfig中单独运行它们:

grunt.registerTask('single', ['useminPrepareMulti:' + packageConfig[0]]);

I also had to modify the usemin blocks in the html code to include the path relative to the root, eg : 我还必须修改html代码中的usemin块以包含相对于根的路径,例如:

<!-- build:js(./assets/dir/foo) scripts/vendor.js -->
<script src="scripts/file.js"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->

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