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代号一个BrowserComponent setBrowserNavigationCallback

[英]Codename one BrowserComponent setBrowserNavigationCallback

I am trying to use the 我正在尝试使用

setBrowserNavigationCallback setBrowserNavigationCallback

method of the BrowserComponent to call a java method from the html page. BrowserComponent的方法,以从html页调用Java方法。

This is what I have in java: 这就是我在java中的功能:

            map_browser = (BrowserComponent) this.getInternal();                
            map_browser.setBrowserNavigationCallback(new BrowserNavigationCallback() {                    
                public boolean shouldNavigate(String url) {
                    System.out.println("in here::" + url);
                    if (url.startsWith("http://getproperties")) {
                        System.out.println("get properties from java code 1");                            
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        return true;

The code on html is: html上的代码是:

 <a href="http://getproperties">Load</a>

This works fine. 这很好。 When I click on Load, the shouldNavigate() gets invoked. 当我单击Load时,shouldNavigate()被调用。

However, this works only once. 但是,此操作仅一次。 If I click on Load again, nothing happens... 如果我再次单击“加载”,则什么也不会发生...

Is this the expected behavior ? 这是预期的行为吗?

If yes, what is the best way to achieve calling a java function multiple times from javascript ? 如果是,从javascript多次调用java函数的最佳方法是什么?

Am I doing something wrong ? 难道我做错了什么 ?

BR, Sanket BR,桑凯

This causes the location for the browser to change which then means that further navigation won't occur. 这将导致浏览器的位置发生变化,这意味着不再进行导航。 Try using myprotocol://getproperties which won't go into the location of the browser and should be fired repeatedly. 尝试使用myprotocol:// getproperties,它不会进入浏览器的位置,应该被反复触发。

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