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[英]Get all tags with a specific name independent of element-level

I'm creating html with PHP (simpleXML), a XML-document and XSL. 我正在用PHP(simpleXML),一个XML文档和XSL创建html。

Is there a way to replace all elements with a specific name (ie. ) with a html-tag (ie. ). 有没有办法用html标签(即)替换具有特定名称(即)的所有元素。 I guess the answer is 'yes", but how do I do it? 我猜答案是“是”,但是我该怎么办?

With my code, the keyword-element must be the top child of the root-element for it to work. 在我的代码中,关键字元素必须是根元素的顶级子元素才能起作用。

The following don't work: 以下无效:


<chapter>This is the first chapter</chapter>
<text>This is a text, with a <keyword>keyword</keyword></text>


    <xsl:template match="text">
            <xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:template match="*[starts-with(name(), 'keyword')]">
                    <xsl:value-of select="."/>

The <keyword> -element can exist on all kinds of levels in the document, lets say even in the title. <keyword> -element可以存在于文档的各个级别,甚至可以说是标题。 How can I then select it from the XSL? 然后如何从XSL中选择它? I guess there is something to do with the 'match'-attribute. 我猜想这与“匹配”属性有关。 I tried match="*/keyword" without any luck. 我尝试过match =“ * / keyword”却没有任何运气。

This code works when the <keyword> -element is the top child of the root, but won't work inside for example the <text> -element. <keyword> -element是根的顶级子级时,此代码有效,但在<text> -element等内部将不起作用。

I have modified your input example to: 我已将您的输入示例修改为:

    <title>This is the <keyword>first</keyword> title</title>
    <chapter>This is the <keyword>second</keyword> chapter</chapter>
    <text>This is a text, with a <keyword>third</keyword> keyword in it.</text>

Using the following stylesheet: 使用以下样式表:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 

<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" indent="yes"/>

<!-- Identity Transform -->
<xsl:template match="@*|node()">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

<!-- exception -->
<xsl:template match="keyword">


you will get the following output: 您将获得以下输出:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <title>This is the <b>first</b> title</title>
    <chapter>This is the <b>second</b> chapter</chapter>
    <text>This is a text, with a <b>third</b> keyword in it.</text>

I'm not total sure what you are trying to do, but the following query: 我不确定您要做什么,但是可以查询以下查询:

 <xsl:value-of select="//keyword/text()"/>

will select all <keyword> element's content regardless of their position in tree. 会选择所有<keyword>元素的内容,无论它们在树中的位置如何。 This because I'm using the // in front of 这是因为我在前面使用//

I think what you are looking for is on this question . 我认为您正在寻找的是这个问题

Basically, the */keyword is looking for a string that has "/keyword" in it, and not the actual node. 基本上, */keyword是在其中查找包含“ / keyword”的字符串,而不是实际的节点。

If you try 如果你试试

    <xsl:template match="*[starts-with(name(), 'keyword')]">

You should be in good shape. 您应该身体状况良好。

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