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[英]How to add attribute ID in drop down for laravel blade template system?

I am using Laravel and to get drop down in view, I am using {{ Form::select('state', array(<values>)); }} 我正在使用Laravel,并使用下拉菜单, {{ Form::select('state', array(<values>)); }} {{ Form::select('state', array(<values>)); }} and this is result in a dropdown with an array of values mentioned in . {{ Form::select('state', array(<values>)); }} ,这会导致下拉列表中包含提及的值数组。 It name attribute value will be "state" since it is mentioned in Form. 由于在表单中已提及,因此name属性值将为“状态”。 But how to add ID attribute to access it using jquery? 但是如何添加ID属性以使用jquery访问它呢?

pass the extra attributes in 4th paremeter, third is default selection option which is null in your case. 在第四个参数中传递额外的属性,第三个是默认选择选项,在您的情况下为null。

try this 尝试这个

{{ Form::select('state', array(<values>), null,array('id' => 'selectID')); }}

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