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[英]How do I use tig to view the diff for a file which is changed but not commited?

In git, it is git diff <file path> , but what about in tig? 在git中,它是git diff <file path> ,但是在tig中呢?

In tig, in the status view, highlighting a file (staged or unstaged) and pressing D , diffs the last commit. 在tig的状态视图中,突出显示一个文件(已暂存或未暂存),然后按D ,比较上一次提交。 I think it should diff the uncommitted file against the last committed version of that file. 我认为应该将未提交的文件与该文件的最后提交版本进行比较。

As a hack, you can do git diff <file path> | tig 作为黑客,您可以执行git diff <file path> | tig git diff <file path> | tig and see it. git diff <file path> | tig ,看看吧。

On the status section in tig you can see both the staged and unstaged changes (say, git diff vs git diff --cached ) pressing Enter over the file in each of the sections it appears (under "Changes to be committed" or "Changed but not updated"). status在第tig你可以同时看到演出和未分级的变化(比如, git diff VS git diff --cached )按Enter键在每个出现的部分文件(在“更改为致力于”或“已更改但未更新”)。

It may be a nice feature to just tig diff -- <file path> but, well - go ahead, code it :) 只是tig diff -- <file path>可能是一个不错的功能,但是-继续,将其编码:)

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