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[英]Pass contents of drop-down select list from one form to another in PHP

I have a PHP script that displays information from a MySQL database in a table format based on a normal form filled in by the user. 我有一个PHP脚本,它根据用户填写的普通表格以表格格式显示MySQL数据库中的信息。

When the user clicks Search the script calls itself (Get method). 当用户单击“搜索”时,脚本会自行调用(Get方法)。 The form is redisplayed and below it is the output table. 重新显示该窗体,并在其下方是输出表。 The user can refine the search and try again if he wants. 用户可以优化搜索,然后根据需要重试。

After the output is displayed I also want the user to be able to change which fields in the database he wants displayed in the table, and do another search. 显示输出后,我还希望用户能够更改他希望在表中显示的数据库中的哪些字段,并进行另一次搜索。 I want to make it totally intuitive. 我想使其完全直观。

I could add a bunch of Select dropdowns to the form, but that is not very intuitive. 我可以在表单中添加一堆“选择”下拉列表,但这不是很直观。 Part of the problem is depending on the search values it produces two totally different displays from two different MySQL tables. 问题的一部分取决于搜索值,它从两个不同的MySQL表中产生两个完全不同的显示。 So it would be very difficult to explain to the user which drop-down boxes to fill in depending on his other input. 因此,很难根据用户的其他输入向用户解释要填充哪个下拉框。

The most intuitive method I can think of is to change the column headings in the output table from plain text to dropdown select boxes. 我能想到的最直观的方法是将输出表中的列标题从纯文本更改为下拉选择框。 The first time he does the search he would get the default output fields. 他第一次进行搜索时,将获得默认的输出字段。 He can then change any of the column heading dropdown boxes to a different field name from the table and then click Search on the form above to redisplay the table with different columns. 然后,他可以将任何列标题下拉框更改为表中的其他字段名称,然后单击上方表单上的“搜索”以重新显示具有不同列的表。

The problem is it really needs two forms, the search form at the top and another form embedded in the first line of the output table with the column heading dropdown boxes. 问题在于它确实需要两种形式,顶部是搜索表单,另一种形式是嵌入在输出表的第一行中的列标题下拉框。 But is that even possible? 但这有可能吗? Can a form be embedded in a table or does it have to be the other way around? 可以将表格嵌入表格中还是必须将表格嵌入表格中?

Complicating things slightly is the fact that I use pagination as the output is generally too long to display on one page. 我使用分页的原因稍微复杂一些,因为输出通常太长而无法在一页上显示。 So I display 500 lines at a time and provide page number and previous-next links for the next pages, like a Google search. 因此,我一次显示500行,并提供页码和下一页的上一个-下一个链接,例如Google搜索。

If I can sort that bit out I then envisage setting up an "onclick" or similar on each dropdown box that calls some javascript to insert the selected value into a hidden field in the first form. 如果我可以解决这个问题,那么可以设想在每个下拉框上设置一个“ onclick”或类似名称,以调用一些javascript将所选值插入第一种形式的隐藏字段中。 Problem is I have no idea how to do it. 问题是我不知道该怎么做。 Any ideas on doing it that way or alternative ways of achieving what I want would be greatly appreciated. 以此方式或实现我想要的替代方式的任何想法将不胜感激。

For what it is worth, I currently call some javascript to submit the existing form: 对于它的价值,我目前调用一些javascript提交现有表单:

<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="GET" onsubmit="return SubmitForm(this);">

It does user-side form validation plus it remove all empty or default values from the search string. 它会进行用户端表单验证,还会从搜索字符串中删除所有空值或默认值。 The simplest implementation would be if that code could go out to the second form and grab the column headings that have changed and add them to the parameter string that it builds. 最简单的实现是,如果该代码可以转到第二种形式,并获取已更改的列标题,并将其添加到其构建的参数字符串中。 The existing JS code to format the $_GET search string URL is like this: 用于格式化$ _GET搜索字符串URL的现有JS代码如下所示:

var elems = form.getElementsByTagName('input');
var default_values = new Array();
default_values['surname_type'] = 'starts';
default_values['firstname_type'] = 'starts';
default_values['spousename_type'] = 'starts';
default_values['remarks_type'] = 'contains';
default_values['cemname_type'] = 'starts';
default_values['seltype'] = 'all';
default_values['state'] = 'ALL';
var inputs = [];
var getstring = "";

// beautify $_GET querystring to remove blank fields
for(var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
    // add non-blank input fields to querystring and store field names so we can ignore  changed radio buttons for blank fields
    if(elems[i].type == "text" && elems[i].value != "") { 
        getstring += "&" + elems[i].name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(elems[i].value);
        inputs[elems[i].name + "_type"] = "y"; // eg. surname_type = y if surname is present
    // add changed radio buttons if the associated text field was present
    if(elems[i].type == "radio" && elems[i].checked && elems[i].value != default_values[elems[i].name]) {
        if (inputs[elems[i].name] || elems[i].name == "seltype") 
            getstring += "&" + elems[i].name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(elems[i].value);
// add state code if no other values input or if a specific state is selected
var state = document.getElementById('state');
if (state.value != "ALL" || getstring == "") 
    getstring += "&state=" + state.value;

var getstring = "?" + getstring.substring(1);  // replace first & with ?
window.location.href = form.action + getstring; // submit form
return false;  // tell form above not to re-submit it

So I guess what I am really looking for is some JS code to insert just before the second last line above. 所以我想我真正想要的是在上面第二行之前插入一些JS代码。 The pseudo code would be like this: 伪代码将如下所示:

if (first-column-heading-dropdown-in-second-form != "name")
   getstring += '&outputcolumn1=' + value-of-first-column-heading-dropdown-in-second-form; 
if (second-column-heading-dropdown-in-second-form != "address")
   getstring +=  '&outputcolumn2=' + value-of-second-column-heading-dropdown-in-second-form; 
if (third-column-heading-dropdown-in-second-form != "state")
   getstring +=  '&outputcolumn3=' + value-of-third-column-heading-dropdownin-second-form; 

Heck, in trying to explain what I want I am slowly answering my own question. 哎呀,在试图解释我想要什么时,我正在慢慢回答自己的问题。 I can see that I can just use the ID of the dropdowns in the second form to extract the values to insert in the first form get string. 我看到我可以使用第二种形式的下拉列表的ID来提取要插入第一种形式的字符串的值。

So now all that leaves is how to integrate a form into the column headings in the output table. 因此,现在剩下的就是如何将表单集成到输出表中的列标题中。 If I wrap a form around the entire output table... Hmmm. 如果我将表格包装在整个输出表上……嗯。 It is starting to look do-able. 它开始看起来可行。

In trying to explain what I wanted I answered my own question. 在试图解释我想要的东西时,我回答了自己的问题。 It works like a dream. 它像梦一样运作。 I did not need to create a form for the drop-down column headers. 我不需要为下拉列标题创建表单。 I simply inserted them instead of the existing th /th headers. 我只是插入它们而不是现有的th / th标头。 Not sure if it is valid HTML syntax but it works on all major browsers. 不确定它是否为有效的HTML语法,但它可在所有主流浏览器上使用。

In the javascript I then grabbed the values from the dropdown selects using their ID and inserted them in the querystring I had built from the form. 然后,在javascript中,我使用其ID从下拉选择中获取值并将其插入从表单构建的查询字符串中。 I gave the dropdowns a class and formatted them the same as the other column headings using CSS. 我给了下拉菜单一个类,并使用CSS将其格式化为与其他列标题相同的格式。

The code for the column headers looks like this. 列标题的代码如下所示。 (It includes code to re-display the selected value when the script re-calls itself on form submission): (它包含用于在脚本提交表单时重新调用自身时重新显示所选值的代码):

echo '<table><tr>  

// Exit from previous echo and php to allow use of conditional echo statements below to select previously selected dropdown item
<td><select id="col1" class="thdropdown" name="col1">
<option value="address" <?php if($col1=="address") { echo "selected"; }?>>Address</option>
<option value="alternate_name" <?php if($col1=="alternate_name") { echo "selected"; }?>>Alt Name</option>
<option value="town" <?php if($col1=="town") { echo "selected"; }?>>Town</option>
<option value="postcode" <?php if($col1=="postcode") { echo "selected"; }?>>Postcode</option>
<option value="latlong" <?php if($col1=="latlong") { echo "selected"; }?>>Lat/Long</option>
<option value="source" <?php if($col1=="source") { echo "selected"; }?>>Source</option>
<td><select id="col2" class="thdropdown" name="col2">
<option value="state" <?php if($col2=="state") { echo "selected"; }?>>State</option>
<option value="alternate_name" <?php if($col2=="alternate_name") { echo "selected"; }?>>Alt Name</option>
<option value="town" <?php if($col2=="town") { echo "selected"; }?>>Town</option>
<option value="postcode" <?php if($col2=="postcode") { echo "selected"; }?>>Postcode</option>
<option value="latlong" <?php if($col2=="latlong") { echo "selected"; }?>>Lat/Long</option>
<option value="source" <?php if($col2=="source") { echo "selected"; }?>>Source</option>
echo '<th>... other columns ...</th></tr>';

The CSS code looks like this: CSS代码如下所示:

th, .thdropdown {
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: italic;
    font-size: 11pt;
    text-align: left;

The Javascript code that I inserted as per the pseudo code above is as follows: 按照上面的伪代码插入的Javascript代码如下:

// add state code if no other values input or if a specific state is selected
    var state = document.getElementById('state');
     if (state.value != "ALL" || getstring == "") 
        getstring += "&state=" + state.value;

// add column headings from dropdown selects in output table
    var col1 = document.getElementById('col1');
     if (col1.value != "address") 
        getstring += "&col1=" + col1.value;
    var col2 = document.getElementById('col2');
     if (col2.value != "state") 
        getstring += "&col2=" + col2.value;

    var getstring = "?" + getstring.substring(1);  // replace first & with ?
    window.location.href = form.action + getstring; // submit form
    return false;  // tell form above not to re-submit it

When I change the values and do a search the querystring now looks something like this: 当我更改值并进行搜索时,查询字符串现在看起来像这样:


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