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[英]APK version help required

I have uploaded an app on the Google PlayStore and since this is my first time so I am having confusions about uploading the new version. 我已经在Google PlayStore上上传了一个应用程序,这是我第一次来,因此我对上传新版本感到困惑。 I have previous version already put there. 我已经有以前的版本了。 When I upload the new APK do I need to deactivate the previous version straight away or wait for some time. 当我上传新APK时,我需要立即停用以前的版本或等待一段时间。 What are the best practices. 最佳做法是什么? Also, If I deactivate an APK, does it effect any current users? 另外,如果我停用了APK,它会影响当前的任何用户吗? I just want that version to be stopped for being further installed. 我只是希望该版本停止以进一步安装。

You upload your APK to update/ replace the old one. 您上传了APK以更新/替换旧的APK。

You do not create a new app page, nor do you need to deactivate the old one. 您无需创建新的应用页面,也无需停用旧页面。

Any new users will install the new one, and existing users will be updated to the new one. 任何新用户都将安装新用户,而现有用户将更新为新用户。

Note: those who do not update, will keep using the old version until they do update. 注意:那些不更新的用户将继续使用旧版本,直到他们更新为止。 There is no way to stop this. 没有办法阻止这种情况。 Nor should there be a need to 也不需要

You don't have to deactivate the old one. 您不必停用旧版本。 Since you upload the apk for the first time you can update it by changing the 由于您是第一次上传apk,因此您可以通过更改


you have to be careful the the versionCode should be an incremental number. 您必须小心,versionCode应该是一个增量数字。 For example if the previous version has value 10, the next should have > 10. Then your application is automatically updated and the user is notified to update the application. 例如,如果先前版本的值是10,那么下一个版本的值应>10。然后,您的应用程序将自动更新,并通知用户更新应用程序。

The reason you not always see the update in console, is that google play needs some time to be aware of the change. 您不能总是在控制台中看到更新的原因是,Google Play需要一些时间才能知道更改。

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