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[英]getting parsererror from presumed empty json response


My JSON returns an associative array that I take elements from and display on the page. 我的JSON返回一个关联数组,我从中获取元素并显示在页面上。 Sometimes one or more of the sub-arrays will be empty, and this is expected behavior. 有时一个或多个子数组将为空,这是预期的行为。 For those I want nothing displayed on the page. 对于那些我不想在页面上显示任何内容。 My problem is that currently anytime one of those sub-arrays is empty, I get a "parsererror". 我的问题是,当前只要这些子数组之一为空,我都会收到“ parsererror”。 In my application, you switch between months, and this AJAX call is made when the dropdown selection is changed to a different month. 在我的应用程序中,您在月份之间进行切换,并且当下拉列表选项更改为其他月份时,将进行此AJAX调用。 On months where all the sub-arrays have values, I dont get an error. 在所有子数组都有值的月份中,我没有收到错误。 I only get it when one or more of the sub-arrays are empty. 我仅在一个或多个子数组为空时得到它。


first I perform the SQL queries, which I'm leaving out to keep this as short as possible, but these are the 3 resulting arrays: 首先,我执行SQL查询,我将其保留为尽可能短,但这是3个结果数组:

$income = $results->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$expense = $results->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$recurring = $results->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Then I want to assign those to an array, which I then json_encode: 然后我想将它们分配给一个数组,然后我将其进行json_encode:

$array = array(
            'income'    => $income,
            'expense'   => $expense,
            'recurring' => $recurring

echo json_encode($array);


This is basically calling the previous php code, then displaying each record from the database in a table. 这基本上是在调用前面的php代码,然后在表中显示数据库中的每个记录。

var request = $.ajax({
    type: "POST",
    url: 'inc/functions.php',
    dataType: "JSON",
    data: {action: "display_categories", cur_month:cur_month}
    $('#income tbody tr, #expense tbody tr').remove();
        for(var i = 0; i < response.income.length; i++) {
           $('<tr><td id="' + response.income[i].cat_id_PK + '">' +         response.income[i].cat_name + '</td><td id="' + response.income[i].cat_id_PK +
'">&#36;' + response.income[i].cat_amount + '</td></tr>').appendTo("#income");
        for(var i = 0; i < response.expense.length; i++) {        
           $('<tr><td id="' + response.expense[i].cat_id_PK + '">' + response.expense[i].cat_name + '</td><td id="' + response.expense[i].cat_id_PK + '">&#36;' + response.expense[i].cat_amount + '</td></tr>').appendTo("#expense");
        for(var i = 0; i < response.recurring.length; i++) {
           $('<tr><td id="' + response.recurring[i].cat_id_PK + '">' +       response.recurring[i].cat_name + '</td><td id="' + response.recurring[i].cat_id_PK + '">&#36;' + response.recurring[i].cat_amount + '</td></tr>').appendTo("#expense");
request.fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus){
        alert("Request failed: " + textStatus);


Here's an example JSON response with two empty sub-arrays. 这是带有两个空子数组的JSON响应示例。

"income": [],
"expense": [],
"recurring": [
        "cat_id_PK": 67,
        "cat_name": "Grooming",
        "cat_amount": "40.00",
        "recur_begin": 1,
        "recur_end": 12

Count the number of rows you get from sql query result. 计算从sql查询结果中获得的行数。 if they are greater than 0 then send an extra field as 如果它们大于0,则发送一个额外的字段作为

$d['status'] ='OK';

if no record exists then send the error handling as 如果不存在记录,则将错误处理发送为

$d['status'] ='ERR';

so check the status field in the data success 因此,请检查数据成功中的状态字段

dataType: 'json',
  data: you data,
  success: function( data ) {
  if(data.status == "OK"){

  } else{



try like this ,just to test and then use data 尝试这样,只是测试然后使用数据

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