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Rails将&#39;\\ n&#39;替换为&#39; <br/> &#39; 问题

[英]Rails replacing '\n' to '<br/>' issue

The input is a textarea type 输入是文本区域类型

so i got the data from the controller like this, 所以我像这样从控制器获取数据,

'firstline \n secondline \n thirdline"

i want to change this to 我想将其更改为

'firstline <br/> secondline <br/> thirdline"

I googled, and found this. 我用谷歌搜索,发现了这个。

description = appointment[:description].to_s.gsub(/\n/, "<br/>")

but the weird thing is if i print this, it shows a weird text like this, 但是很奇怪的是,如果我打印出这个字样,它会显示出这样一个奇怪的文字,

code, 码,

<%=Rails.logger.debug("***description***" + description)%>

result, 结果,

<br/>3rd linen***1st line

the more weird thing is, i have to put this params to call a javascript function like this, 更奇怪的是,我必须将这些参数放在这样的javascript函数中,

<span class="hotspot" onmouseover="tooltip.show(<%=user_list%>,&quot;<%=description%>&quot;);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">
     <%=h appointment[:users] %>

focus on the <%=description%> 专注于<%= description%>

in here i got an error, and shows like this, 在这里,我遇到了一个错误,并显示了这样的内容,

<span class="hotspot" onmouseover="tooltip.show([],&quot;1st line
&lt;br/&gt;2nd line
&lt;br/&gt;3rd line&quot;);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

any good idea? 有什么好主意吗?


"firstline \n secondline \n thirdline".to_s.gsub(/\n/, "<br/>").html_safe

May be this will work 也许这会工作

desc = appointment[:description].to_s
description = desc.split("\n").join("<br/>")


description = appointment[:description].to_s.gsub(/\n/, "<br/>").html_safe

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