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[英]iText Filling existing table PDF

I'm trying to fill an existing table in my PDF. 我正在尝试在PDF中填写现有表格。 I found some examples on iText but they always create a new table and then fills it. 我在iText上找到了一些示例,但是它们总是创建一个新表,然后填充它。

In my case I have already created a table and now I want to add rows to this? 在我的情况下,我已经创建了一个表,现在我要为此添加行吗? Is it possible to do this? 是否有可能做到这一点?

How-to-add-row-in-jtable may help you. 如何在jtable中添加行可能会对您有所帮助。 Instead iText, You can print your table using Jtable's built in print method. 您可以使用Jtable的内置打印方法来打印表格,而不是iText。 Go to this link for more. 转到链接了解更多。

Thanks. 谢谢。

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