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使用LINQ GroupBy获得不同的结果以实现复杂的实体关系?

[英]Get distinct results using LINQ GroupBy for complex entity relationships?

Here's a quick overview of my relationships: 以下是我的人际关系的简要概述:

one Account has many AccountRoles
one AccountRole has many UserAccountRoles
many UserAccountRoles can have one User

What I need to get is a set of all User s for one Account . 我需要获得的是一个Account的所有User的集合。

How can I do this in LINQ? 我怎么能在LINQ中这样做?

Edit: 编辑:

Here's what I've tried so far: 这是我到目前为止所尝试的:

var dto = _context.Set<Model.Account>()

if (dto == null)
    return null;

var userAccountRoleDTOs = dto.AccountRoles
    .Select(ar => ar.UserAccountRoles);

var userDTOs = userAccountRoleDTOs
    .Select(uar => uar.Select(uar2 => uar2.User));

return userDTOs;

userDTOs is a collection of collections at the return . userDTOsreturn集合的集合。 It doesn't make much sense to me. 这对我来说没什么意义。

Since ultimately all you want is a flattened collection for the one user, you should be able to use SelectMany() to flatten the one-to-many relationship and then call Distinct() at the end: 由于最终你想要的只是一个用户的扁平化集合,你应该能够使用SelectMany()来展平一对多关系,然后在最后调用Distinct()

var users = dto.AccountRoles
    .SelectMany(ar => ar.UserAccountRoles.Select(uar => uar.User))

Or, in query form 或者,以查询形式

var users = (from ar in dto.AccountRoles
             from uar in ar.UserAccountRoles
             select uar.User)

Or you can go the other way around: 或者你可以走另一条路:

from u in context.Users
where u.UserAccountRoles.Any(uar=>uar.AccountRole.Account.Id == someAccountId)

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