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[英]How to target the second element in JQuery

This is my PHP code and each post has a More button with the same class. 这是我的PHP代码,每个帖子都有一个具有相同类的More按钮。 I want if I click on More button of post A, only the comments under it should be displayed : 我想如果单击帖子A的“ 更多”按钮,则仅应显示其下方的评论:

  for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
    echo "<div class='col-md-6'>";   
    echo "<div class = 'feeds'>"; ?>
    <form method='post' class='murconform form-horizontal' name='signinform' 
     action =''>
         echo "<p>". $post . "</p>";
         echo "<div class = 'murcons btn-group'>";
         echo "<span class = 'likecount'>". $likes . "</span><button class='mlike             pacedown' value='".$assigned_id."' name = 'like' type='submit'><span class = 'buttons'>Like</span><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-heart'></span></button>";

   //Problem 1: I want whenever the next button with the class 'mmore' is clicked, the class
   'comment_data' should be displayed. It is set to "display:none" by default but 
    whenver I click it, all other comment are displayed.

         echo "<button class='mmore pacedown' value='".$post_id."' name = 'more' type='submit'><span class = 'buttons'>More</span><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down'></span></button>";
         echo " "."<span class = 'slanted'>". $time . "</div>"; 
     echo "</form>"; 
     // fetch and display comment for each post...
      $qry = "SELECT user_id, comment FROM comments WHERE post_id = ? ORDER BY time DESC";
      $q = $conn->prepare($qry) or die("ERROR: " . implode(":", $conn->errorInfo()));
      $q->bindParam(1, $post_id);
      if($commentz = $q->fetchAll()){
      echo "<div class = 'comment_data'>";
      foreach ($commentz as $comment){
      echo "<div class = 'per_comment'>";
         echo "<p>". $comment[0] ." ". $comment[1] . "</p>";
      echo "</div>";
     echo "</div>";
      <form method='post' class='murconform form-horizontal' name='signinform' action ='<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);?>'>
        echo "<div class = 'commentdiv'>";
      echo "<input type='hidden' name='post_id' value='".$post_id."'>";
      echo "<textarea autocomplete = 'off' name='commentdata' maxlength='480' class='commenttext form-control' rows = '1' placeholder='Have your say...'></textarea>";
      echo "<span class='counter_msg'></span>";
      echo "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-primary onespacedown comment' name = 'comment'       type='submit'>Comment</button>";
    // Problem 2: How do I get the content of this textarea whenever the submit button is clicked via AJAX? 

    echo "</form>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</div>";

This is my jQuery code for Problem 1: 这是我针对问题1的jQuery代码:

$( ".comment" ).click(function() {
  var $this=$(this);
           return false;


And this is the AJAX code for Problem 2: 这是问题2的AJAX代码:

$(".mlike").click(function () {
        return false;
    var $this=$(this);
    var post_id = $('.post_id').val();
    var comment = $(".commentdata").text();
    var request = $.ajax({
      url: "comments.php",
      type: "POST",
      data: { post : post_id , comment : comment },
      dataType: "html"
    request.done(function( msg ) {    
        $this.prev('.comment').html( msg ); 

Any good solution/advice(with regards to best practice) would be deeply appreciated. 任何良好的解决方案/建议(与最佳实践有关)将不胜感激。

Hard to know for sure unless you post the generated HTML, not the code that generates it but it seems that what you are trying to do is target elements within a group, not those outside of that group that have the same class name. 除非您发布生成的HTML,而不是生成它的代码,否则很难确定,但是似乎您要尝试的是组内的目标元素,而不是该组外具有相同类名的目标元素。

To do this you find a common parent of those elements (for example a div that wraps those elements), in your case .feeds seems to occur once per iteration. 为此,您可以找到这些元素的公共父元素(例如,包装这些元素的div),在这种情况下, .feeds似乎在每次迭代中发生一次。

$('.mmore').on('click', function(){
    var $commonparent=$(this).closest('.feeds');

Then you find the elements you want within $commonparent 然后在$ commonparent中找到所需的元素

    var post_id = $commonparent.find('.post_id').val();
    var comment = $commonparent.find(".commentdata").text();

This might clear up both problems. 这可能会解决两个问题。 For a better answer please post the generated HTML and move your problem explanations to outside of the code. 为了获得更好的答案,请发布生成的HTML,并将问题说明移至代码之外。

To clarify, div.feeds can be used as the closest ancestor allowing you to find child elements by class name that only exist within that particular div.feeds 为了明确div.feeds可以将div.feeds用作最接近的祖先,允许您按类名称查找仅存在于该特定div.feeds子元素。

<div class="feeds">
    <input class="post_id" />
    <textarea class="commentdata"></textarea>
    <button class="mmore">More</button>
<div class="feeds">
    <input class="post_id" />
    <textarea class="commentdata"></textarea>
    <button class="mmore">More</button>
<div class="feeds">
    <input class="post_id" />
    <textarea class="commentdata"></textarea>
    <button class="mmore">More</button>

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