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[英]d3 time scale x axis with unix timestamp

Having trouble formatting the x-axis of this time-series chart using d3 js. 使用d3 js格式化此时间序列图表的x轴时遇到问题。

Here is a working example: http://tributary.io/inlet/7798421 这是一个工作示例: http//tributary.io/inlet/7798421

The issue: I can only see 1 date (label) on my x-axis, regardless of total # of ticks specified. 问题:我只能在x轴上看到1个日期(标签),无论指定的总刻度数是多少。 How can I display the time on x-axis with 4-6 ticks? 如何以4-6刻度在x轴上显示时间?

EDIT: Solution below thanks to Lars. 编辑:谢谢Lars的解决方案。

Here is my time in UTC: 这是我在UTC的时间:

var data = [
    {"time": 1387212120, "open": 368, "close": 275, "high": 380, "low": 158},
    {"time": 1387212130, "open": 330, "close": 350, "high": 389, "low": 310},
    {"time": 1387212140, "open": 213, "close": 253, "high": 289, "low": 213}];

data.forEach(function(d){ d.time = new Date(d.time * 1000) });

And then d3 accept it, in default format, or you can customize. 然后d3以默认格式接受它,或者您可以自定义。

The problem is that Javascript Date objects (into which you are implicitly converting your timestamps) are not timestamps in seconds, but in milliseconds. 问题是Javascript Date对象(您隐式转换时间戳)不是以秒为单位的时间戳,而是以毫秒为单位。 If you multiply all your time values by 1000, it works. 如果将所有时间值乘以1000,则可行。

Complete example here . 在这里完成示例。 I've also made the conversion to Date s explicit. 我还明确转换为Date

code from the link: 来自链接的代码:

var sample2 = [
    {"time": 1387212120, "open": 368, "close": 275, "high": 380, "low": 158},
    {"time": 1387212130, "open": 330, "close": 350, "high": 389, "low": 310},
    {"time": 1387212140, "open": 213, "close": 253, "high": 289, "low": 213},
    {"time": 1387212150, "open": 180, "close": 150, "high": 189, "low": 110},
    {"time": 1387212160, "open": 310, "close": 350, "high": 389, "low": 310},
    {"time": 1387212170, "open": 213, "close": 253, "high": 289, "low": 213},
    {"time": 1387212180, "open": 190, "close": 150, "high": 189, "low": 110},
    {"time": 1387212190, "open": 362, "close": 530, "high": 589, "low": 510},
    {"time": 1387212200, "open": 409, "close": 356, "high": 300, "low": 510},
    {"time": 1387212210, "open": 334, "close": 275, "high": 369, "low": 185},
    {"time": 1387212220, "open": 304, "close": 389, "high": 389, "low": 310},
    {"time": 1387212230, "open": 395, "close": 235, "high": 289, "low": 213},
    {"time": 1387212240, "open": 339, "close": 148, "high": 189, "low": 110},
    {"time": 1387212250, "open": 310, "close": 350, "high": 389, "low": 310},
    {"time": 1387212260, "open": 283, "close": 253, "high": 289, "low": 213},
    {"time": 1387212270, "open": 290, "close": 350, "high": 189, "low": 110},
    {"time": 1387212280, "open": 448, "close": 550, "high": 624, "low": 510},
    {"time": 1387212290, "open": 419, "close": 299, "high": 194, "low": 510},
    {"time": 1387212300, "open": 150, "close": 163, "high": 189, "low": 145},
    {"time": 1387212310, "open": 330, "close": 350, "high": 356, "low": 310},
    {"time": 1387212320, "open": 213, "close": 253, "high": 289, "low": 213},
    {"time": 1387212330, "open": 180, "close": 150, "high": 189, "low": 110},
    {"time": 1387212340, "open": 310, "close": 350, "high": 389, "low": 310},
    {"time": 1387212350, "open": 213, "close": 253, "high": 289, "low": 213},
    {"time": 1387212360, "open": 190, "close": 150, "high": 230, "low": 110},
    {"time": 1387212370, "open": 408, "close": 301, "high": 382, "low": 245},
    {"time": 1387212380, "open": 330, "close": 356, "high": 404, "low": 230},
    {"time": 1387212390, "open": 183, "close": 143, "high": 190, "low": 31},
    {"time": 1387212400, "open": 183, "close": 265, "high": 271, "low": 165},
    {"time": 1387212410, "open": 395, "close": 253, "high": 424, "low": 213},
    {"time": 1387212420, "open": 339, "close": 379, "high": 446, "low": 275},
    {"time": 1387212430, "open": 310, "close": 350, "high": 389, "low": 310},
    {"time": 1387212440, "open": 283, "close": 253, "high": 289, "low": 213},
    {"time": 1387212450, "open": 162, "close": 350, "high": 189, "low": 122},
    {"time": 1387212460, "open": 452, "close": 361, "high": 525, "low": 329},
    {"time": 1387212470, "open": 173, "close": 281, "high": 312, "low": 141},
    {"time": 1387212480, "open": 183, "close": 265, "high": 271, "low": 165},
    {"time": 1387212490, "open": 395, "close": 253, "high": 424, "low": 213},
    {"time": 1387212500, "open": 339, "close": 379, "high": 446, "low": 275},
    {"time": 1387212510, "open": 310, "close": 350, "high": 389, "low": 310},
    {"time": 1387212520, "open": 283, "close": 253, "high": 289, "low": 213},
    {"time": 1387212530, "open": 162, "close": 350, "high": 189, "low": 122},
    {"time": 1387212540, "open": 452, "close": 361, "high": 542, "low": 329},
    {"time": 1387212550, "open": 173, "close": 281, "high": 312, "low": 91},
    {"time": 1387212480, "open": 183, "close": 265, "high": 271, "low": 165},
    {"time": 1387212490, "open": 395, "close": 253, "high": 424, "low": 213}

sample2.forEach(function(d) { d.time = new Date(d.time * 1000); });

var margin = {"top": 50, "right": 83, "bottom": 56, "left": 25, "axis": 55};
var width = 635 + margin.right + margin.left;
var height = 567 + margin.top + margin.bottom;
var timeFormat = d3.time.format("%I:%M %p %a %Y");

// set up chart
var svg = d3.select("svg").attr("width", width).attr("height", height);
var chart = d3.select("svg");

// find data range
var xMin = d3.min(sample2, function(d){ return Math.min(d.time); });
var xMax = d3.max(sample2, function(d){ return Math.max(d.time); });

var yMin = d3.min(sample2, function(d){ return Math.min(d.low); });
var yMax = d3.max(sample2, function(d){ return Math.max(d.high); });


Ghetto Debugs

console.log("yMin" + " " + yMin);
console.log("yMax" + " " + yMax);

console.log("xMin" + " " + xMin);
console.log("xMax" + " " + xMax);
console.log(xMax - xMin);


// scale using ranges
var xScale = d3.time.scale()
    .domain([xMin, xMax])
    .range([margin.left, width - margin.right]);

var xAxisScale = d3.time.scale()
    .domain([xMin, xMax])
    .range([margin.left, width - margin.axis]);

var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
    .domain([yMin, yMax])
    .range([height - margin.top, margin.bottom]);

// set up axes
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()

var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()

// draw chart

      "x1": function(d,i) { return xScale(d.time) + 5; },
      "x2": function(d,i) { return xScale(d.time) + 5; },
      "y1": function(d,i) { return yScale(d.high); },
      "y2": function(d,i) { return yScale(d.low); },
      "stroke": "black"

      "width": 10,
      "x": function(d,i) { return xScale(d.time); },
      "y": function(d,i) { return yScale(Math.max(d.open, d.close)); },
      "height": function(d,i) { return yScale(Math.min(d.open, d.close)) - yScale(Math.max(d.open, d.close)); },
      "fill": function (d) { return d.open > d.close ? "red" : "green" },
      "stroke": "black"

    .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (width - margin.axis) + ', 0)');

    .attr('transform', 'translate(0, ' + (height - margin.bottom) + ')');

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