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从对象数组提前输入Angular UI-如何获取选择值

[英]Angular ui typeahead from an array of objects - how to get the select value

I'm using typeahead angular bootstrap which is a very neat directive, but I'm encountering a difficulty to get the select value when using it with an array of objects (needed for a custom template ). 我正在使用typeahead角引导程序,这是一个非常整洁的指令,但是在将其用于对象数组(自定义模板所需)时,遇到了获取选择值的困难。 I can't get the typeahead selection value (it's displayed correctly but passed as [object object] to the target controller. 我无法获得预输入选择值(它正确显示,但作为[object object]传递给目标控制器。

this is the form: 形式如下:

<form ng-submit="startSearch(search.term , false, true)" novalidate>
<input typeahead-editable="true" typeahead="item as label(item) for item in startSearch($viewValue, true)| limitTo:10"
 required type="text" class="searchInput"  ng-model="search.term"
 typeahead-template-url="views/search/typeahead.html"   /> <!--| filter:$viewValue   typeahead-on-select="goState(selectState(select), label(select)"-->
<button class="searchBT" ng-submit="startSearch(search.term , false, true)"><i class="icon-search"></i></button>

and the (relevant) controller: 和(相关的)控制器:

$scope.search = {};
        $scope.startSearch = function(term, suggest, submitted){
            var deferred = $q.defer();
            if (submitted) {
                $state.go('search.home',{'term':  $scope.search.term }); //term gets [object object] instead of the displayed name
            } else {
                    searchService.doSearch(term, suggest).then(function(data){
                        "use strict";
//                        console.log('data',data)
                        if (suggest){
                    }, function(err){
                        "use strict";
            return deferred.promise;


        $scope.label = function(item){
            "use strict";
            //select label
            if (!item) {

            return  item.symbol || (item.first_name +" " + item.last_name)

to summarize my problem: 总结一下我的问题:

I get a displayed value (and I get a correct one) from the typeahead select list it seems not to update the model (search.term) correctly and I get some [object object] result there. 我从预先选择列表中得到了一个显示的值(并且我得到了一个正确的值),似乎无法正确更新模型(search.term),并且在那里得到了一些[object object]结果。 If I manually type a value in the input field and submit I do get a correct value (and state transition etc..) 如果我在输入字段中手动输入一个值并提交,我会得到一个正确的值(以及状态转换等)。

to make things a little more complicated, the list contains different kind of objects so I to handle some logic about the object with a function/filter and can't just grab a field 为了使事情更复杂一点,列表包含了不同种类的对象,因此我使用函数/过滤器来处理关于对象的一些逻辑,而不能仅仅获取字段

Thanks for the help! 谢谢您的帮助!

I think this may be that you are missing a property name off of the object. 我认为这可能是因为您缺少该对象的属性名称。 I have written a plunk based on your code here . 我在这里根据您的代码编写了代码。 I have just stripped back the service calls to be a hard-coded array. 我刚刚将服务调用剥离为一个硬编码数组。

Pay particular attention to the object that is returned has a "Value" and "Text" property. 请特别注意所返回的对象具有“值”和“文本”属性。

var results = [];
angular.forEach([{Val: 1, Text: "AngularJS"}, {Val: 2, Text: "EmberJS"}, {Val: 3, Text: "KnockoutJS"}], function(item){
  if (item.Text.toLowerCase().indexOf(term.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
  return results;

And also look in the markup at the way the "typeahead" attribute is populated using the actual text property of the object: 并在标记中查看使用对象的实际text属性填充“ typeahead”属性的方式:

typeahead="item.Text for item in startSearch($viewValue)| limitTo:10"

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