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[英]SPServices with Sharepoint and Divs

I'm using Sharepoint Design with the code below inserted in content webpart. 我正在使用Sharepoint Design,并将以下代码插入内容Webpart中。

The code lists files and folders with SPServices of a library and shows a PDF if a link was clicked. 该代码列出了带有库SPServices的文件和文件夹,并在单击链接时显示了PDF。 In my library PDFLibrary , I have some folders, and each folder has some files inside. 在我的库PDFLibrary ,我有一些文件夹,每个文件夹中都有一些文件。 The code works well, but my problem now is how do I show these menus with an accordion effect? 该代码运行良好,但现在的问题是如何显示具有手风琴效果的菜单?

I purposely generated the folder names between h3 tags, but I need a delimiter on each link groups: 我故意在h3标签之间生成了文件夹名称,但是我需要在每个链接组上使用一个定界符:

h3 PDF Folder1 /h3
  link file1
  link file2
  link file3

In this way, in my code, when I try to insert a div before the links, the browser immediately closes it: 这样,在我的代码中,当我尝试在链接之前插入div时,浏览器立即将其关闭:

h3 PDF Folder1 /h3
div /div (<= HERE IS WRONG!)
link file1
link file2
link file3

The solution I found is to insert another webpart with the accordion code after the page is fully loaded, but this is not ideal. 我发现的解决方案是在页面完全加载后,用手风琴代码插入另一个Webpart,但这并不理想。

Is a dynamically inserted div not possible? 动态插入的div是不可能的吗?

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/pdfobject.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

    // var to generate ids for each element of list
    var _id = 1;

      operation:  "GetListItems",
      listName: "PDFLibrary",

      completefunc: function (xData, Status) {          

        $(xData.responseXML).find("z\\:row, row").each(function() {
          //take the type of object. 1 = folder / 0 = file
          var thisFSObjType = $(this).attr("ows_FSObjType").split(";#")[1];

          if(thisFSObjType == 1) {
            //mount the string to get the current folder
            var _initialString = "<QueryOptions><Folder>PDFLibrary/";   
            var _folderName = $(this).attr("ows_LinkFilename");                 
            var _finalString = "</Folder></QueryOptions>"

            var _CAMLQueryString = _initialString + _folderName + _finalString;

            //print the current folder on div

            //this function lists the files inside the current folder
              operation: "GetListItems",
              async: false,
              listName: "PDFLibrary",

              CAMLQueryOptions: _CAMLQueryString,                           

              completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
                $(xData.responseXML).find("z\\:row, row").each(function () {
                  var _url = 'http://mysite.org/' + $(this).attr("ows_FileRef").split(";#")[1];
                  var _title = $(this).attr("ows_LinkFilename");                                               
                  var _link = $("<a  href='" + _url + "'" + "id='" +_id + "'" + "/>");


                  // set id to current file
                  var idpdf = "#" + _id;

                  // load file into pdfview div

                    var myPDF = new PDFObject({ 

                      url: $(this).attr('href'),
                        pdfOpenParams: {
                          navpanes: 1,
                        view: "FitV",
                        pagemode: "thumbs"


                  _id = _id + 1;                         



You may want to check my API to deal with Sharepoint: SharepointPlus , and especially the $SP().list().get() with the folderOptions . 您可能需要检查我的API以处理Sharepoint: SharepointPlus ,尤其是$文件 folderOptions$ SP()。list()。get()folderOptions It will make your code way simplier :-) 它将使您的代码更简单:-)

Regarding your question, it's not really clear. 关于您的问题,目前还不清楚。 When you said "the browser immediately closes it", what is closed? 当您说“浏览器立即关闭”时,关闭了什么? You can, of course, add a DIV in your DOM with no problem. 当然,您可以毫无问题地在DOM中添加DIV。

However, here, the thing you want to achieve seems to be only visual. 但是,在这里,您想要实现的目标似乎只是视觉上的。 It means you could use CSS to do it, couldn't you? 这意味着您可以使用CSS进行操作,不是吗?

I guess we miss too many things in the code you provided to help you. 我想我们在您提供的可帮助您的代码中遗漏了太多东西。 I don't see anywhere the inserted H3 . 我在任何地方都看不到插入的H3 What is #pdflist ? 什么是#pdflist Where in your code are you trying to insert the DIV ? 您要在代码中的哪个位置插入DIV How looks like your HTML code before and after? 前后的HTML代码看起来如何?

Also you can refactor the below code: 您也可以重构以下代码:

var _link = $("<a  href='" + _url + "'" + "id='" +_id + "'" + "/>");

To: 至:

$("#pdflist").append('<a href="'+_url+'" id="'+_id+'">'+_title+'</a><br>');

Sorry but it's difficult to help with this amount of information. 抱歉,要获得如此大量的信息很难。

I'm assuming #pdflist is your container DIV tag for all of the folders in the main loop...but I don't see you inserting DIVs anywhere else in the code for each individual folder instance in the loop... 我假设#pdflist是主循环中所有文件夹的容器DIV标签...但是我看不到您在循环中每个单独的文件夹实例的代码中的其他位置插入了DIV ...

Why not just generate a DIV object along with your links outside of the sub-loop? 为什么不只是在子循环之外生成DIV对象以及您的链接?

//print the current folder on div

var _container = $("<div class="folderList" id='someID' />"); 

//this function lists the files inside the current folder
    operation: "GetListItems",
    async: false,
    listName: "PDFLibrary", 
    CAMLQueryOptions: _CAMLQueryString,                           

    completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
        $(xData.responseXML).find("z\\:row, row").each(function () {
            var _url = 'http://mysite.org/' + $(this).attr("ows_FileRef").split(";#")[1];
            var _title = $(this).attr("ows_LinkFilename");              
            var _link = $("<a  href='" + _url + "'" + "id='" +_id + "'" + "/>");

            $(_container).append(_link); //** APPEND LINK TO DIV **
            $("#pdflist").append(_container).append("<br/>"); // ** APPEND DIV TO MAIN CONTAINER **
            ... etc ...

Another option is just to generate your HTML output in a concatenated string and then inject it into your container element. 另一个选择是只在连接字符串中生成HTML输出,然后将其注入到容器元素中。

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