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[英]Issue with Cloudflare, can not access page

everybody. 大家

I got an "404 not found" when trying to access the link http://www.abc.com/api.php/ 尝试访问链接http://www.abc.com/api.php/时,我得到“ 404 not found”

But the same link without backward slash is OK: http://www.abc.com/module/mfox/api.php 但是没有反斜杠的相同链接也可以: http : //www.abc.com/module/mfox/api.php

My server using Cloudflare. 我的服务器使用Cloudflare。 And I have disabled this service, but it still happen. 而且我已经禁用了此服务,但仍然会发生。 I also try with htaccess, but it do not work. 我也尝试使用htaccess,但是它不起作用。 Could anyone tell me what's the wrong here, and how to fix this issue? 谁能告诉我这是怎么回事,以及如何解决此问题?

Thank you. 谢谢。

That would be on your server directly (we don't host your content). 那将直接在您的服务器上(我们不托管您的内容)。 The fact that it happens with us off definitely means an issue on your server. 我们关闭时发生的事实肯定意味着您的服务器存在问题。

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