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[英]Merge master with 2nd branch and commit to master

I'm very new to Github and I've created a branch about 2 weeks ago. 我是Github的新手,大约2周前创建了一个分支。 This branch is now final and I'd like to move those updated to my master. 该分支现在是最终分支,我想将更新的分支移到我的主分支。

I've tried reading up on the subject and found that I should do: 我尝试阅读有关该主题的内容,发现应该这样做:

git checkout master

git merge picto_gone (The branch I'd like to merge) git merge picto_gone (我要合并的分支)

This works fine and I see all the editted files and a 'fast-forward' thingie. 这个工作正常,我看到所有编辑的文件和一个“快进”的东西。

Now; 现在; If I go back to my github.com page I see that my master is still last updated * days ago. 如果我回到github.com页面,我会看到我的母版仍在*天前更新。 And not today or the last commit on my other branch for that matter. 而不是今天或我在其他分支上的最后一次提交。

If I try to commit it says my branch is ahead 6 commits. 如果我尝试提交,则说我的分支领先6次提交。

Long story short: How do I merge my branch with my master so I can start using my master again? 长话短说:如何将分支与我的母版合并,以便可以再次使用母版?

git pull
git push origin master

you must push your change to trunk. 您必须将更改推送到主干。

您必须将本地“ master”分支发送到github。

git push

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