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[英]how to launch a shell script in a new gnome terminal, from a java program

I'm trying to run a shell script (say myscript.sh) from a java program. 我正在尝试从Java程序运行Shell脚本(例如myscript.sh)。

when i run the script from terminal, like this : 当我从终端运行脚本时,如下所示:


it works fine. 它工作正常。

But when i call it from the java program, with the following code : 但是当我从Java程序调用它时,代码如下:

        ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/bash","./myScript.sh",someParam);

        pb.environment().put("PATH", "OtherPath");

        Process p = pb.start(); 

        InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream());
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

        String line ;
        while((line = br.readLine()) != null)

        int exitVal = p.waitFor();
    }catch(Exception e)
    {  e.printStackTrace();  }

It doesnt goes the same way. 它不会以相同的方式。 Several shell commands (like sed, awk and similar commands) get skipped and donot give any output at all. 几个shell命令(如sed,awk和类似命令)被跳过,根本不提供任何输出。

Question : Is there some way to launch this script in a new terminal using java. 问题:有什么方法可以使用Java在新终端中启动此脚本。

PS : i've found that "gnome-terminal" command launches a new terminal in shell, But, i'm unable to figure out, how to use the same in a java code. PS:我发现“ gnome-terminal”命令在shell中启动了一个新终端,但是,我无法弄清楚如何在Java代码中使用它。

i'm quite new to using shell scripting. 我对使用Shell脚本非常陌生。 Please help 请帮忙

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

In java: 在Java中:

import java.lang.Runtime;                                                        

class CLI {                                                                      

    public static void main(String args[]) {                                     
        String command[] = {"/bin/sh", "-c", 
                            "gnome-terminal --execute ./myscript.sh"};
        Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();                                       
        try {                                                                    
        } catch(Exception ex) {                                                  
            // handle ex                                                         


And the contents of the script are: 脚本的内容是:


echo 'hello!'    


Notes: 笔记:

  • You'll do this in a background thread or a worker 您将在后台线程或工作线程中执行此操作
  • The last command, in the shell script, is bash ; shell脚本中的最后一个命令是bash otherwise execution completes and the terminal is closed. 否则执行完成并且终端关闭。
  • The shell script is located in the same path as the calling Java class. Shell脚本与调用Java类位于同一路径。

Don't overrwrite your entire PATH... 不要覆盖整个路径...

pb.environment().put("PATH", "OtherPath"); // This drops the existing PATH... ouch.

Try this instead 试试这个

pb.environment().put("PATH", "OtherPath:" + pb.environment().get("PATH"));

Or, use the full directories to your commands in your script file. 或者,在脚本文件中对命令使用完整目录。

You must set your shell script file as executable first and then add the below code, 您必须先将Shell脚本文件设置为可执行文件 ,然后添加以下代码,


//Running sh file
Process exec = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(PATH_OF_PARENT_FOLDER_OF_SHELL_SCRIPT_FILE+File.separator+shellScriptFile.getName());                                                              
byte []buf = new byte[300];
InputStream errorStream = exec.getErrorStream();
logger.debug(new String(buf));
int waitFor = exec.waitFor();
if(waitFor==0) {
    System.out.println("Shell script executed properly");

This worked for me on Ubuntu and Java 8 这在Ubuntu和Java 8上对我有用

 Process pr =new ProcessBuilder("gnome-terminal", "-e", 
                  "./progrm").directory(new File("/directory/for/the/program/to/be/executed/from")).start();

The previous code creates a new terminal in a specificied directory and executes a command 上面的代码创建一个specificied目录中一个 新的终端并执行命令

script.sh Must have executable permissions script.sh必须具有可执行权限

     public class ShellFileInNewTerminalFromJava {

        public static void main(String[] arg) {

    Process pr =new ProcessBuilder("gnome-terminal", "-e", "pathToScript/script.sh").start();
    }catch(Exception e){

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