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IDA Pro远程自动化

[英]IDA Pro remote automation

I am trying to run IDA Pro (full version) remotely through a linux terminal as to automate the analysis and output process. 我试图通过Linux终端远程运行IDA Pro(完整版),以自动执行分析和输出过程。 I know there are plugins such as IDAPython and there is the use of the flags for terminals using the idal command. 我知道有IDAPython之类的插件,并且使用idal命令在终端上使用标志。 My question is whether or not it is possible to write a script in either IDAscript or IDApython that can: 我的问题是是否可以用IDAscript或IDApython编写脚本,该脚本可以:

1.) Start the IDA Pro process 1.)开始IDA Pro流程

2.) Pass it a file(s) to perform analysis on 2.)传递一个文件进行分析

3.) Output this file into an .html format (or .txt) 3.)将此文件输出为.html格式(或.txt)

4.) all without any user interaction besides determining which files to send it and initializing the script. 4.)除了确定要发送的文件和初始化脚本之外,所有这些操作都无需用户交互。

IN FURTHER DETAIL: How can I pass IDA the file I am trying to analyse via command line flag that accompanies what I have been trying (idal -A). 详细信息:如何通过我尝试的命令行标记(idal -A)将要分析的文件传递给IDA。 Is there a flag to output the info into a .html file I am not seeing? 是否有标记将信息输出到我没有看到的.html文件中? Thanks 谢谢

Ida command line arguments: https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/idadoc/417.shtml Ida命令行参数: https : //www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/idadoc/417.shtml

Make a python server, that gets on a socket (1) file to analyze (2) name of script to run 制作一个python服务器,该服务器进入套接字(1)文件以分析(2)要运行的脚本名称

Then , on the server run ida with subprocess. 然后,在服务器上使用子进程运行ida。 Pass aa script for ida to run with -S flag (you can also pass a few arguments for the acript, see in the link) 传递一个ida脚本以使其与-S标志一起运行(您也可以传递一些用于acript的参数,请参见链接)

Make the script save to output so some file, and once subprocess is done send the file back to the user. 将脚本保存到输出文件中,然后完成子过程,然后将文件发送回用户。

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