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[英]SVG control not visible on top of Leaflet.js

I'm using Leaflet 0.7.1 and want to draw a radial menu (like openstreetmap's iD editor) on top using d3. 我正在使用Leaflet 0.7.1,并希望使用d3在顶部绘制一个径向菜单(如openstreetmap的iD编辑器)。 Some examples I found use Leaflet's overlayPane to append the svg element to: 我发现一些示例使用Leaflet的overlayPane将svg元素附加到:

var svgContainer= d3.select(map.getPanes().overlayPane).append("svg");

On mouseclick, I add the menu and reposition it to the screen xy coords: 在mouseclick上,我添加菜单并将其重新放置在屏幕的xy坐标上:

map.on('contextmenu', function(e) {
    var tooltip;
    var center = [e.layerPoint.x, e.layerPoint.y];
    var menu = svgContainer.append('g')
        .attr("class", 'leaflet-zoom-hide')
        .attr('class', 'radial-menu')
        .attr('transform', 'translate(' + center + ')')
        .attr('opacity', 0);
            .attr('opacity', 1);

            .attr('class', 'radial-menu-background')
            .attr('d', 'M' + r * Math.sin(a0) + ',' +
                             r * Math.cos(a0) +
                      ' A' + r + ',' + r + ' 0 ' + 0 + ',0 ' +
                             (r * Math.sin(a1) + 1e-3) + ',' +
                             (r * Math.cos(a1) + 1e-3)) // Force positive-length path (#1305)
            .attr('stroke-width', 50)
            .attr('stroke-linecap', 'round');

Somehow, the SVG paths get drawn (this is visible in the Chrome Inspector) but are behind the map object. 不知何故,绘制了SVG路径(这在Chrome Inspector中可见),但位于地图对象的后面。 When I 'drag' the SVG element just below the body tag in Inspector, I can see the circle paths. 当我在Inspector中的body标签下方拖动SVG元素时, 可以看到圆的路径。

Any ideas on how I can draw SVG 'menu' elements on top of Leaflet? 关于如何在Leaflet上绘制SVG“菜单”元素的任何想法?

Thanks!! 谢谢!!


See this fiddle for a demo. 看到这个小提琴演示。 Right click or hold to add an invisible element. 右键单击或按住可添加不可见的元素。

ps. PS。 I asked this question on gis.stackexchange.com , too. 也在gis.stackexchange.com上问了这个问题

Solved. 解决了。 A colleague pointed out that the SVG container had no dimensions. 一位同事指出,SVG容器没有尺寸。 Giving it the appropriate width and height proved to be the answer: 给出适当的宽度和高度证明是答案:

    svgContainer.attr("width", width).attr("height", height)

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