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[英]MySQL JOIN on different column names

I have two tables with similar data but entirely different column names. 我有两个表,它们的数据相似,但列名却完全不同。 I make the query in a PHP page and then use the data in echo statements like this: 我在PHP页面中进行查询,然后在echo语句中使用数据,如下所示:

<?php echo($row['bedrooms']); ?>

The current query looks like this: 当前查询如下:

$sql_query = "SELECT mls_number, city, list_price, bedrooms 
                  FROM bonita_property_res 
                  WHERE city = "Bonita" AND list_price >= 1500000 
                  ORDER BY list_price DESC";

How do a join a table called naples_property_res that looks like this and still be able to use the php echo as its configured? 如何联接一个名为naples_property_res的表,该表看起来像这样并且仍然能够使用php echo作为其配置?

MLSNumber     City       ListPrice      TotalBeds
898989   | Bonita    | 200000     |  4

It doesn't sound like you want to use a JOIN , but rather a UNION 听起来好像您不想使用JOIN ,而是UNION

SELECT fields FROM bonita_property_res WHERE conditions
UNION SELECT fields FROM naples_property_res WHERE conditions


SELECT mls_number, city, list_price, bedrooms FROM bonita_property_res WHERE ...
SELECT MLSNumber AS mls_number, City AS city, ListPrice AS list_price, TotalBeds AS bedrooms FROM naples_property_res WHERE ...

The column aliases - something AS something_else - ensure that you don't break any references in PHP, eg $row['bedrooms']. 列的别名-something AS something_else-确保您不会破坏PHP中的任何引用,例如$ row ['bedrooms']。

Well you didn't tell us what the "entirely different column names" are but it would look something like this: 好吧,您没有告诉我们“完全不同的列名称”是什么,但是它看起来像这样:

SELECT mls_number, city, list_price, bedrooms 
FROM bonita_property_res 
WHERE city = "Bonita" AND list_price >= 1500000 
ORDER BY list_price DESC
SELECT entirely, different, column, names
FROM naples_property_res
WHERE ......

You can just use ALIAS to the columns. 您可以只对列使用ALIAS

$sql_query = "SELECT colA AS mls_number, colB AS city, colC AS list_price, 
                  colD AS bedrooms FROM naples_property_res WHERE ...";

And make a UNION . 并创建一个UNION

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