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[英]Correct Documents Path with Sandboxed Mac application using MOAI

We have a Mac desktop Moai app that we are loading up inside an SFML context. 我们有一个Mac桌面Moai应用程序,我们正在SFML上下文中加载该应用程序。 The app itself is sandboxed correctly as this in our host is returning a path in ~/Library/Containers : 应用本身已正确沙箱化,因为我们的主机在〜/ Library / Containers中返回路径:

NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);

However, when we print out MoaiEnvironment.documentDirectory, it is still returning the path ~/Documents. 但是,当我们打印出MoaiEnvironment.documentDirectory时,它仍返回路径〜/ Documents。 Looking at the Moai lib, it looks like it's setting the path with the exact same code: 看看Moai库,看起来它是使用完全相同的代码设置路径的:

environment.SetValue ( MOAI_ENV_documentDirectory,  [[ NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains ( NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES ) objectAtIndex:0 ] UTF8String ]);

How do we ensure the Moai binaries are set up to return the sandboxed path as well? 我们如何确保Moai二进制文件也设置为返回沙盒路径?

I ended up just creating a simple AKU extension similar to moaiext-ios, moaiext-osx: 我最终只是创建了一个简单的AKU扩展,类似于moaiext-ios,moaiext-osx:

// aku/AKU-macosx.h

#ifndef AKU_MACOSX_H
#define AKU_MACOSX_H

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

void AKUMacOSXInit ();


// aku/AKU-macosx.mm

#import <aku/AKU-macosx.h>

#include <moaicore/moaicore.h>

void AKUMacOSXInit () {

    MOAIEnvironment& environment = MOAIEnvironment::Get ();

    environment.SetValue ( MOAI_ENV_cacheDirectory, [ [ NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains ( NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES ) objectAtIndex:0 ] UTF8String ]);
    environment.SetValue ( MOAI_ENV_documentDirectory, [ [ NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains ( NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES ) objectAtIndex:0 ] UTF8String ]);


We just import this header in our host now and call AKUMacOSXInit() . 我们现在将这个标头导入主机中,并调用AKUMacOSXInit()

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