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Y 轴值无法在 R 中的 gap.boxplot 上正确显示

[英]Y-axis values does not display correctly on my gap.boxplot in R

This is my script and the graph produced.这是我的脚本和生成的图表。 I have made a gap between 7-29.8.我在 7-29.8 之间做了一个差距。 But How can I display the y-axis values at 7 and 30?但是如何在 7 和 30 处显示 y 轴值? The axis only shows 1-6, instead of 0-7 , 30 as intended.该轴仅显示 1-6 ,而不是预期的 0-7 、 30 。

gap.boxplot(Km, gap=list(top=c(7,30), bottom=c(NA,NA), axis(side=2, at=c(0,29.8), labels= F)), 
            ylim=c(0,30), axis.labels=T, ylab="Km (mM)", plot=T, axe=T,

abline(h=seq(6.99,7.157,.001), col="white")
axis.break(2, 7.1,style="slash")   


You can call the axis function again to plot the marks at c(0:7,30)您可以再次调用axis函数以绘制c(0:7,30)处的标记


But because you have a gap between 7 and 30 , anything beyond 7 will have to be shifted in the plot.但是因为你在730之间有一个差距,任何超过7东西都必须在情节中移动。 In general, a mark at position y will have to be moved downwards to y-gap.width , or y-(30-7) in your case.通常,位置y处的标记必须向下移动到y-gap.width ,或者在您的情况下移动到y-(30-7)

So you can do this to plot your marks:所以你可以这样做来绘制你的标记:

axis(2, labels=c(0:7,30), at=c(0:7,30-(30-7)))

It's hard to replicate the plot without example data.如果没有示例数据,很难复制该图。 But I think this worth a try and should work.但我认为这值得一试并且应该有效。

axis(2,labels=c(0:7), at=c(0:7)) # build first gap marker '7'

then separately add the second gap marker然后分别添加第二个间隙标记

axis(2, labels=c(30), at=7*(1+0.01)) # the interval (0.01) could be different, test to find the best one to fit your plot

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