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[英]paypal recurring payment solution

I have been trying to figure out a solution which allows customer without paypal account and customer with credit card to subscribe. 我一直在尝试找出一种解决方案,该解决方案允许没有贝宝帐户的客户和拥有信用卡的客户进行订阅。 It is recurring payment. 它是定期付款。

I have used paypal payments standard but it doesn't allow customers to use the service without signing up with paypal. 我曾经使用过贝宝付款标准,但是它不允许客户在未注册贝宝的情况下使用该服务。

I have signed up for payflow recurring payments. 我已经注册了支付流的定期付款。 Which allows credit card users only but not paypal. 仅允许信用卡用户使用,而不能允许贝宝使用。

Now, I am looking at enhanced recurring payments standard which I am not sure going to help or not. 现在,我正在查看增强的定期付款标准,但不确定是否会帮助您。

Just need help to point me in the right direction. 只需要帮助就可以指出正确的方向。 Thanks for the help in advance. 我在这里先向您的帮助表示感谢。

https://merchant.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=merchant/erp_overview https://merchant.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=merchant/erp_overview

Enhanced recurring payments would work, but it just ties the ability for people to use a credit card directly into the PayPal checkout pages. 增强型定期付款可以使用,但它只是将人们使用信用卡的功能直接关联到PayPal结帐页面。 They don't have to have a PayPal account, but it's not always obvious to buyers that that's the case and sometimes you'll lose sales because of it. 他们不必拥有PayPal帐户,但事实并非总是如此,有时您会因此而失去销售。

I would recommend going with Payments Pro, which it sounds like you already did since you said you signed up for PayFlow Recurring Payments..?? 我建议您使用Payments Pro,这听起来好像您已经做过,因为您说过您已经注册了PayFlow定期付款。 With Payments Pro and Recurring Billing as they call it, you can create your own credit card forms directly on your site pages and the user will have no idea PayPal is involved at all. 有了Payments Pro和经常性帐单,您可以直接在您的网站页面上创建自己的信用卡表格,而用户完全不知道PayPal是否涉及其中。 They'll just fill in the details directly without any redirection to PayPal. 他们将直接填写详细信息,而无需任何重定向到PayPal。

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