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[英]How to Run a Batch File from Java Code onclicking a Button

On clicking a button in a jsp page, I want to run a batch file. 单击jsp页面中的按钮时,我要运行批处理文件。 I wrote this code to execute a batch file inside a method, but it's not working. 我写了这段代码来执行方法中的批处理文件,但是它不起作用。 Plz help me out. 请帮我。

public String scheduler() {
    String result=SUCCESS;  
    try {

        Process p =  Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start.bat", null, new File("C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.0\\bin\\start"));

        System.out.println("manual scheduler for application.."+p);
    } catch(Exception e) {  

Add this code, 添加此代码,


//Running bat file
Process exec = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(PATH_OF_PARENT_FOLDER_OF_BAT_SCRIPT_FILE+File.separator+batFile.getName());                                                              
byte []buf = new byte[300];
InputStream errorStream = exec.getErrorStream();
logger.debug(new String(buf));
int waitFor = exec.waitFor();
if(waitFor==0) {
    System.out.println("BAT script executed properly");

According to this , the following code should work (just remove the cmd /c ): 根据 ,下面的代码应该工作(只是删除cmd /c ):

public String scheduler() {
    String result=SUCCESS;  
    try {

        File f = new File("C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.0\\bin\\start")
        Process p =  Runtime.getRuntime().exec("start.bat", null, f);

        System.out.println("manual scheduler for application.."+p);
    } catch(Exception e) {   

It's not clear here whether you just want to run a bat file or you want to wait for it to run. 这里尚不清楚您是只想运行bat文件还是要等待它运行。

// the location where bat file is located is required eg. //需要bat文件所在的位置,例如 K:/MyPath/MyBat.bat in my case // If bat file is in classpath then you can provide direct bat file name MyBat.bat K:/MyPath/MyBat.bat在我的情况下//如果bat文件位于类路径中,则可以提供直接的bat文件名MyBat.bat

 **Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime() ;
 Process batRunningProcess= rt.exec("cmd /c   K:/MyPath/MyBat.bat");**

// This is to wait for process to complete //if process is completed then value will be 0 //这是等待过程完成// //如果过程完成,则值将为0

 **final int exitVal =  lawTab_Indexer.waitFor();**

// This line is not required if you just want to run a bat file and dont want to wait for it to get completed. //如果您只想运行bat文件并且不想等待它完成,则不需要此行。

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