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Math.round() &.toFixed() 中的舍入问题

[英]Rounding issue in Math.round() & .toFixed()

I used below two methods:我使用了以下两种方法:

Number.prototype.myRound = function (decimalPlaces) {
    var multiplier = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);

    return (Math.round(this * multiplier) / multiplier);

Mathematically alert should be 239.53 but its giving 239.52 as output. So i tried using .toFixed() function & i got proper answer.数学上警报应该是239.53但它给出239.52作为 output。所以我尝试使用.toFixed() function & 我得到了正确的答案。

But when i try to get answer for 239.575 it gives again wrong output.但是当我尝试获得239.575的答案时,它再次给出了错误的 output。


Here output should be 239.58 instead its giving 239.57 .这里 output 应该是239.58而不是它给出的239.57

This error creating a bit difference in final output. So can anyone help me to sort this out?这个错误在最终 output 中造成了一些差异。所以有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?

This method will give very correct round result. 此方法将给出非常正确的舍入结果。

function RoundNum(num, length) { 
    var number = Math.round(num * Math.pow(10, length)) / Math.pow(10, length);
    return number;

Just call this method. 只需调用此方法即可。


Internally, 239.575 cannot be represented exactly. 在内部,239.575无法准确表示。 In binary, 0.575 would be something like 1/2 + 1/16 + 1/128 + 1/256 + .... 在二进制,0.575将是像1/2 + 1/16 + 1/128 + 1/256 + ....

It just so happens that, represented in binary, the result is slightly less than 239.575. 事实恰恰如此,以二进制表示,结果略低于 239.575。 Therefore, Math.round rounds down. 因此, Math.round向下Math.round

To demonstrate, try this: 要演示,试试这个:

alert(239.575 - 239.5)

You would expect the result to be 0.075, but instead you get 0.07499999999998863. 你会期望结果是0.075,但你得到0.07499999999998863。

Just use Math.round 只需使用Math.round

function round(figureToRound){
    var roundOff = Math.round((figureToRound* 100 ).toFixed(2))/100;
    return roundOff;


This will help the rounding off issue completely. 这将有助于彻底解决问题。

round() will do the trick.Try This: round()会做的伎俩。试试这个:

var v= Math.round(239.575 * 100) / 100;

Working FIddle 工作FIddle

The problem is probably floating point inaccuracy, thus you might get different results in different cases (different gathering of a number, different browsers etc.). 问题可能是浮点不准确,因此在不同的情况下(不同的数字收集,不同的浏览器等)可能会得到不同的结果。

See also this: toFixed(2) rounds "x.525" inconsistently? 另见: toFixed(2)轮次“x.525”不一致?

In my software I use this: 在我的软件中我用这个:

(require DecimalJS ) (需要DecimalJS

Number.prototype.toFixed = function(fixed) {
    return (new Decimal(Number(this))).toFixed(parseFloat(fixed) || 

var x = 1.005;
console.log( x.toFixed(2) ); //1.01
function bestRound(val, decimals){
    decimals = decimals || 2;
    var multiplier = Math.pow(10, decimals)
    return Math.round((val * multiplier ).toFixed(decimals)) / multiplier;

bestRound(239.575 - 239.5)   0.08
bestRound(239.575)         239.58
bestRound(239.525)         239.53
bestRound(1.005)             1.01

I got this to simply overwrite it ->我得到这个只是为了覆盖它->

Number.prototype.toFixed = function(fractionDigits, returnAsString = true) {
    var digits = parseInt(fractionDigits) || 0;
    var num = Number(this);
    if( isNaN(num) ) {
        return 'NaN';
    var sign = num < 0 ? -1 : 1;
    if (sign < 0) { num = -num; }
    digits = Math.pow(10, digits);
    num *= digits;
    //num = Math.round(num.toFixed(12));
    num = Math.round( Math.round(num * Math.pow(10,12)) / Math.pow(10,12) );
    var ret = sign * num / digits;
    return (returnAsString ? ret.toString() : ret ); // tofixed returns as string always

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