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[英]Javascript: Weird illegal character error on a if statement

I've been struggling with a strange syntax error since yesterday: The FF debugger keeps saying "SyntaxError: illegal character" at this specific line : 自昨天以来,我一直在努力解决一个奇怪的语法错误:FF调试器在此特定行上一直说“ SyntaxError:非法字符”:

function newTimePeriod(ID, param, paramID, unit)
    //check if date
    //(I got this regex from another post)
    var re = new RegExp("^\\d{4,4}(-\\d{1,2}){1,2}( \\d{1,2}(:\\d{1,2}){1,2})?$");

    var dateFrom = document.getElementById("chart_date_min_" + ID).value;
    var dateTo = document.getElementById("chart_date_max_" + ID).value;
    var fromCorrect = re.test(dateFrom);  
    var toCorrect = re.test(dateFrom);  
    /**/if (fromCorrect && toCorrect)​{/**/   //return illegal character
    LoadGraph(ID, param, paramID, unit, dateFrom, dateTo);

I tried to include this script into the main php page, or separate it; 我试图将此脚本包含到php主页中,或将其分开; it doesn't change a thing. 它不会改变任何事情。 Charset used is UTF-8, and fromCorrect and toCorrect returns booleans correctly (the regex is working) 使用的字符集为UTF-8,并且fromCorrect和toCorrect正确返回布尔值(正则表达式正在工作)

When I remove the if statement the script is loading... Notepad++ doesn't show any special characters hiding anywhere. 当我删除if语句时,脚本正在加载... Notepad ++不会在任何地方显示任何特殊字符。

Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

I have copied your code into a fiddle - seems you have a zero-width space between the braces: 我已将您的代码复制到一个小提琴中 -似乎括号之间的宽度为零

if (fromCorrect && toCorrect)​{


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