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[英]Bootstrap navbar not fixed top for mobile

For some reason, my html file will not have the navbar fixed at the top when the website is accessed through a mobile phone. 由于某些原因,当通过手机访问网站时,我的html文件的导航栏不会固定在顶部。 It is, however, fixed at the top for my PC web browsers. 但是,它固定在我的PC Web浏览器的顶部。 What exactly is wrong here? 这到底是怎么了?

Note: If I remove responsive.css, then the mobile version is fixed at the top, but not responsive. 注意:如果删除active.css,则移动版本固定在顶部,但没有响应。 Various different answers suggested nav bar fixed top, 0 pixel padding, and user scalable no. 建议使用各种不同的答案导航栏固定顶部,0像素填充和用户可缩放编号。 None of those seemed to work for me. 这些似乎都不适合我。

<!DOCTYPE html>
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      .form-signin .checkbox {
        margin-bottom: 10px;
      .form-signin input[type="text"],
      .form-signin input[type="password"] {
        font-size: 16px;
        height: auto;
        margin-bottom: 15px;
        padding: 7px 9px;




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Actually, my only problem here was my version of Bootstrap. 实际上,我唯一的问题是我的Bootstrap版本。

In the above code, I was running 2.2.2 and it does not support all mobile aspects fully. 在上面的代码中,我正在运行2.2.2,它不完全支持所有移动方面。 After ugprading to 3.0.3, everything works fine. 升级至3.0.3后,一切正常。

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