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[英]Linking SQLite library using NDK on Android

I need my app to use the latest SQLite as I am going to need FTS with ICU tokenizer which is not supported by Android. 我需要我的应用使用最新的SQLite,因为我需要带有ICU令牌生成器的FTS,而Android不支持。

I did not find any proper resources over the net that tells how to do it but one thing I think I could do is compile latest SQLite with NDK and write a JNI Wrapper on top of it and use it in my java android app. 我没有在网上找到任何合适的资源来说明如何做,但是我想我可以做的一件事就是用NDK编译最新的SQLite,并在其上编写一个JNI包装器,并在我的Java android应用程序中使用它。

I'm not sure how good or bad is the decision? 我不确定这个决定是好是坏? Are there any better ways? 有没有更好的方法? Any resources that could help me in any way? 有什么资源可以以任何方式帮助我吗?

Well I went ahead with this approach. 好吧,我继续使用这种方法。 I was able to compile the latest SQLite with my required tokenizer and didn't find any problem with it. 我能够使用所需的标记器来编译最新的SQLite,但没有发现任何问题。 Will update here if I find any issues in future. 如果以后发现任何问题,将在此处更新。

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