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Android Webview客户端证书,相互身份验证,Webview上的SSL

[英]Android Webview Client Certificate, Mutual Auth, SSL over Webview

I have a Webpage which requires Mutual auth to load the page. 我有一个网页,需要Mutual auth加载页面。 I get onReceivedError() with ERROR_FAILED_SSL_HANDSHAKE. 我使用ERROR_FAILED_SSL_HANDSHAKE获得onReceivedError()。 In the logs "Could not establish a secure connection" is printed by Webkit. 在Webkit中打印日志“无法建立安全连接”。 I have searched extensively but could not find an answer. 我已经广泛搜索但找不到答案。 There are several posts but nothing conclusive. 有几个帖子但没有结论。 I tried all 3 solutions posted here . 我在这里发布所有3个解决方案。 The solution likely to work was :- Solution 1: use ClientCertRequestHandler anyway (It's marked as hidden, but apparently still usable): 可能有效的解决方案是: - 解决方案1:无论如何都使用ClientCertRequestHandler(它被标记为隐藏,但显然仍然可用):

So i modified the android.jar to include the internal API for overriding onReceivedClientCertRequest() But i am not getting the callback at runtime. 所以我修改了android.jar以包含内部API来覆盖onReceivedClientCertRequest()但是我没有在运行时获得回调。 Same is the case with any third party browser. 任何第三方浏览器都是如此。 I tried loading the same webpage in a standard browser. 我尝试在标准浏览器中加载相同的网页。 I got a callback on UI asking the User to select a Client certificate. 我在UI上收到一个回调,要求用户选择一个客户端证书。

So seems that only system browser app can get the callback for onReceivedClientCertRequest() from Webkit. 所以似乎只有系统浏览器应用程序可以从Webkit获取onReceivedClientCertRequest()的回调。

In case of iOS platform, Webview cannot directly load the site too . 对于iOS平台,Webview也无法直接加载网站。 But making an HTTPS Connection using NSURL , keeps the Client certificate in memory for some time and Webview can load this page successfully. 但是使用NSURL进行HTTPS连接会将客户端证书保留在内存中一段时间​​,并且Webview可以成功加载此页面。

On Android i have successfully setup HTTPS communication by registering an SSLSocketFactory loading Client and Server certificates. 在Android上,我通过注册加载客户端和服务器证书的SSLSocketFactory成功设置了HTTPS通信。 I can do REST API calls using that.However unlike iOS, i cannot find a way in which Android webview can use the Client certificate for Mutual auth. 我可以使用它进行REST API调用。但是,与iOS不同,我找不到Android webview可以使用客户端证书进行Mutual auth的方法。

I think having Mutual auth over a Webview should be supported by the platform as one of the basic requirements for security. 我认为平台应该支持在Webview上进行相互认证,这是安全性的基本要求之一。 Is there any update on this issue ? 这个问题有没有更新?

EDIT 1 : 编辑1

I got it working on Android 4.0 to 4.3 as per my answer given below. 根据我在下面给出的答案,我在Android 4.0到4.3上工作了。 Hoverer , now on Android 4.4 , seems that WebViewClientClassicExt class itself is removed. Hoverer,现在在Android 4.4上,似乎WebViewClientClassicExt类本身被删除了。 Any idea what can be done in this case ? 知道在这种情况下可以做些什么吗? Why is Android not allowing setting ClientCertificates in webview ? 为什么Android不允许在webview中设置ClientCertificates?

So i could get this thing working until 4.3 所以我可以让这件事工作到4.3

  1. On Android 4.0 and 4.1 ,by overriding onReceivedClientCertRequest() of a class extending WebViewClient 在Android 4.0和4.1上,通过覆盖扩展WebViewClient的类的onReceivedClientCertRequest()
  2. On 4.2 , 4.3 by overriding onReceivedClientCertRequest() of a class extending WebViewClientClassicExt. 在4.2,4.3中,通过覆盖扩展WebViewClientClassicExt的类的onReceivedClientCertRequest()。

I set the Private key and certificates ClientCertRequestHandler proceed() method. 我设置了私钥和证书ClientCertRequestHandler proceed()方法。

Need a fix patch from Android for 4.4 and above 需要Android 4.4及更高版本的修补补丁

EDITED Solutions uptil 4.3 are given below EDITED Solutions uptil 4.3如下

WebviewClientCustom.java WebviewClientCustom.java

public class WebViewClientCustom extends WebViewClient {
    private X509Certificate[] certificatesChain;
    private PrivateKey clientCertPrivateKey;
    private IWebViewCallbacks webviewCallbacks;

    public WebViewClientCustom(IWebViewCallbacks webviewCallbacks) {
        this.webviewCallbacks = webviewCallbacks;

    public void onReceivedClientCertRequest(WebView paramWebView,
            ClientCertRequestHandler paramClientCertRequestHandler,
            String paramString) {
        PrivateKey localPrivateKey = this.clientCertPrivateKey;
        X509Certificate[] arrayOfX509Certificate = this.certificatesChain;

    public void onReceivedError(WebView view, int errorCode,
            String description, String failingUrl) {
        webviewCallbacks.onReceivedError( view,  errorCode,
                 description,  failingUrl);

        super.onReceivedError( view,  errorCode,
                 description,  failingUrl);

    public void setClientCertificate(PrivateKey paramPrivateKey,
            X509Certificate[] paramArrayOfX509Certificate) {
        this.clientCertPrivateKey = paramPrivateKey;
        this.certificatesChain = paramArrayOfX509Certificate;

    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView paramWebView,
            String paramString) {
        return webviewCallbacks.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(paramWebView,


    public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        webviewCallbacks.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon);
        super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon);

    public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        webviewCallbacks.onPageFinished(view, url);
        super.onPageFinished(view, url);


WebViewClientCustomExt.java WebViewClientCustomExt.java

public class WebViewClientCustomExt extends WebViewClientClassicExt {
    private X509Certificate[] certificatesChain;
    private PrivateKey clientCertPrivateKey;
    private IWebViewCallbacks webviewCallbacks;

    public WebViewClientCustomExt(IWebViewCallbacks webviewCallbacks) {
        this.webviewCallbacks = webviewCallbacks;

    public void onReceivedClientCertRequest(WebView paramWebView,
            ClientCertRequestHandler paramClientCertRequestHandler,
            String paramString) {
        PrivateKey localPrivateKey = this.clientCertPrivateKey;
        X509Certificate[] arrayOfX509Certificate = this.certificatesChain;

    public void onReceivedError(WebView view, int errorCode,
            String description, String failingUrl) {
        webviewCallbacks.onReceivedError( view,  errorCode,
                 description,  failingUrl);

        super.onReceivedError( view,  errorCode,
                 description,  failingUrl);

    public void setClientCertificate(PrivateKey paramPrivateKey,
            X509Certificate[] paramArrayOfX509Certificate) {
        this.clientCertPrivateKey = paramPrivateKey;
        this.certificatesChain = paramArrayOfX509Certificate;

    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView paramWebView,
            String paramString) {
        return webviewCallbacks.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(paramWebView, paramString);

    public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        webviewCallbacks.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon);
        super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon);

    public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        webviewCallbacks.onPageFinished(view, url);
        super.onPageFinished(view, url);

Usage 用法

    private void setCertificateData() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        try {
            KeyStore clientCertKeystore = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs12");
            String clientCertPkcsPassword = getPkcsPassword();
            byte[] pkcs12;

            pkcs12 = getAuthP12Data();
            ByteArrayInputStream pkcs12BAIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(pkcs12);

            String alias = (clientCertKeystore.aliases().nextElement());
            Certificate[] arrayOfCertificate = clientCertKeystore
            X509Certificate[] arrayOfX509Certificate = new X509Certificate[arrayOfCertificate.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfCertificate.length; i++) {
                arrayOfX509Certificate[i] = (X509Certificate) arrayOfCertificate[i];
            PrivateKey localPrivateKey = (PrivateKey) clientCertKeystore
                    .getKey(alias, clientCertPkcsPassword.toCharArray());
            if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 16) {
                WebViewClientCustom webvviewClient = new WebViewClientCustom(

            } else {
                WebViewClientCustomExt webvviewClient = new WebViewClientCustomExt(
            // webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block


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