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通过一个维度的JavaScript 2D数组迭代不起作用

[英]JavaScript 2D array iteration through one dimension doesn't work

I have an Excel -based product list saved as .txt. 我有一个基于Excel的产品列表保存为.txt。 I load this into JavaScript as follows: 我将其加载到JavaScript中,如下所示:

function make2DArray (pfad){
    var Daten = loadFile(pfad);
    var Array = createArray(Daten);
    return Array;

function createArray(data_in){
    var Zeilen = data_in.split("\n");
    var Spalten = new Array();

    for (var i=0; i<Zeilen.length; i++)
        Spalten = Zeilen[i].split("\t");
        Zeilen[i] = Spalten.splice(0, Spalten.length);
    return Zeilen;

function loadFile(file_in)
    var file_out;
        type:     "GET",
        url:      file_in,
        dataType: 'text',
        async:    false,
        success:  function(data){
            file_out = data;
        error: function(){
            openDialog('Datei nicht gefunden', file_in + " konnte nicht gefunden werden.\n<br />Bitte wende dich an einen Troubleshooter oder Teamleader!");

    return file_out;

That's so that you know how my Array is made... 那就是你知道我的阵列是如何制作的......

Anyway, with this I have an Array[rows][cols] to work with. 无论如何,有了这个我有一个数组[行] [cols]可以使用。 Now I have a price in array[rows][14] which I want to compare. 现在我有一个数组[行] [14]的价格,我想比较。 I load one line which is the existing produkt (1D Array) and my 2D array: 我加载一行是现有的produkt(1D数组)和我的2D数组:

function PackAusfiltern (arrzeile, arr) {
    var Eingabearray = arr;
    var Ausgabearray = "";

    var BestandPreis = arrzeile[14];
    BestandPreis = BestandPreis.replace(/\,/g, '.');
    BestandPreis = parseFloat(BestandPreis);
    //Here I get the price of the existing package which I want to compare

And now to my actual problem: I want to literate through every row, get the value of column 14 and convert it to a number (some numbers are stored like "39,90", so I need to change the "," to "."). 而现在我的实际问题是:我想通过每一行识别,得到第14列的值并将其转换为数字(某些数字存储为“39,90”,所以我需要将“,”更改为“ “)。

I always get an error here in this line: 我总是在这行中遇到错误:

var zwischenspeicher = Eingabearray[i][14]+"";

It says something like "for the property '14' is no value get able" (German Internet Explorer 9...). 它说“对于财产'14'这样的东西是没有价值的”(德国Internet Explorer 9 ......)。

Here is the for loop which should get the value, make it a number, compare it an delete elements where the second line already brings the error: 这是for循环,它应该获取值,使其成为一个数字,将其与第二行已经带来错误的删除元素进行比较:

for (var i=0, j=Eingabearray.length; i<j; i++) {
    var zwischenspeicher = Eingabearray[i][14]+"";
    zwischenspeicher = zwischenspeicher.split(',').join('.');
    zwischenspeicher = parseFloat(zwischenspeicher);
    Eingabearray[i][14] = zwischenspeicher;
    if ((BestandPreis <= Eingabearray[i][14]) && Eingabearray[i][16] == 1)
    var löschenPO = Eingabearray.indexOf(Eingabearray[i][17]); // Find other pack code
    var löschenindex = Eingabearray.indexOf(löschenPO); // Search other pack
    Eingabearray = Eingabearray.splice(löschenindex, 1);    // Delete other pack

Just for information: 仅供参考:

for (var i=0, j=Eingabearray.length; i<j; i++) {
  alert(Eingabearray[i][14]); //= '39.90'


type(Eingabearray[i][14]); //= [object Number]

function type(obj){

What stupid mistake have I made? 我犯了什么愚蠢的错误?

I just had to insert an if(Eingabearray[i]) , because the error came from some empty lines... 我只需插入一个if(Eingabearray[i]) ,因为错误来自一些空行......

So: 所以:

for (var i=0, j=Eingabearray.length; i<j; i++) {

    if (Eingabearray[i]){

        if ((BestandPreis <= Eingabearray[i][14]) && Eingabearray[i][16] == 1)
            var löschenPO = Eingabearray.indexOf(Eingabearray[i][17]); // Find other pack code
            var löschenindex = Eingabearray.indexOf(löschenPO); // Search other pack
            Eingabearray = Eingabearray.splice(löschenindex, 1);    // Delete other pack

now works fine. 现在工作正常。

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