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[英]Nginx rewrite rules not working / being ignored

I'm currently trying to rewrite this: 我目前正在尝试重写此代码:




However, this isn't working: 但是,这不起作用:

rewrite ^index\.php/\?page=Example&paramX=([0-9]+)&paramY=([0-9]+)$ /index.php/Example/$arg_paramX/?paramY=$arg_paramY permanent;

In apache2, i currently use 在apache2中,我目前使用

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} page=Example&paramX=([0-9]+)&paramY=([0-9]+)
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ /index.php/Example/%1/?paramY=%2 [R=permanent,L]

which is working. 这正在工作。

You can't match query string parameters like that in nginx, you've got to try to check the individual arguments using something like an if : 您无法匹配nginx中的查询字符串参数,必须尝试使用​​诸如if方法来检查各个参数:

location /index.php {
   if ($arg_page = "Example") {
      rewrite ^ /index.php/Example/$arg_paramX/?paramY=$arg_paramY permanent;

If you absolutely need to verify that paramX and paramY are [0-9]+ , then you'll need to do some sort of hack for nested IF statements, something like this . 如果您绝对需要验证paramXparamY[0-9]+ ,则需要对嵌套的IF语句进行某种修改 ,例如:

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