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[英]How to add events to a matrix drawn with html5?

I just need a development suggestions.I am not that experienced so I do not know all the possibilities I have. 我只需要一个开发建议。我没有那么丰富的经验,所以我不知道我拥有的所有可能性。 So, I try to develop a crossword generator with javascript. 因此,我尝试使用javascript开发填字游戏生成器。 I thought of drawing a matrix on a canvas using HTML5 lines, and because it must be generated I thought of doing this at a press of a button. 我想到了使用HTML5线在画布上绘制矩阵的方法,因为必须生成矩阵,所以我想到了按一下按钮就可以做到这一点。 It would be better with rectangles? 矩形会更好吗? or what other way exists in order to implement the matrix? 还是存在其他方式来实现矩阵? And the most important question of all: how do I add events on the matrix so I can write letters in it? 最重要的问题是:如何在矩阵上添加事件以便可以在其中写字母? All I need is just o suggestion of where to look, for adding events especially. 我所需要的只是建议去哪里看,特别是添加事件。 It is kind of a road block right now so please help if you can. 目前这是一个障碍,因此请您提供帮助。 Thank you. 谢谢。

If I was developing this crossword using canvas, I would use a node structure which holds references to other nodes. 如果使用画布开发此填字游戏,则将使用一个包含对其他节点的引用的节点结构。 for example, 例如,

function node(){
    this.neighbors = [];

For attaching events to a specific node, you will have to determine the canvas mouse position (e) X, Y position considering the width and height(node), so if the user clicks on a node, you find out the node ID and do something with it. 为了将事件附加到特定节点,您必须考虑宽度和高度(节点)来确定画布鼠标的位置(e)的X,Y位置,因此,如果用户单击某个节点,则需要找出该节点的ID并执行有东西。

For drawing use strokeRect() with fillText() for each node. 对于绘制,对每个节点使用带有fillText()的strokeRect()。

... My A* pathfinding implementation might help you. ...我的A *寻路实施可能会为您提供帮助。 (Graphs, Node structure with canvas) also sorry for messy code or bugs, it was just for fun. (图形,带画布的Node结构)也为代码混乱或错误感到抱歉,这只是为了好玩。

Implementation 实作

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I hope this helps you. 我希望这可以帮助你。 Happy Holidays. 节日快乐。

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