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[英]pandoc doesn't text-wrap code blocks when converting to pdf

I'm using pandoc with xelatex engine to convert markdown to pdf. 我正在使用pandoc和xelatex引擎将markdown转换为pdf。 I'm running pandoc like this: 我正在运行像这样的pandoc:

pandoc -s 'backbone-fundamentals'.md -o 'backbone-fundamentals'.pdf \
    --title-prefix 'Developing Backbone.js Applications' \
    --normalize \
    --smart \
    --toc \
    --latex-engine=`which xelatex`

If a code line is longer than the pdf document width it just gets cutoff. 如果代码行长于pdf文档宽度,它就会被截止。 Is there anyway to have pandoc text wrap long code lines? 反正有没有pandoc文本换长代码行?

If you have a recent installation of LaTeX that includes the fvextra package, then there is a simple solution, recently suggested by jannick0 . 如果您最近安装了包含fvextra软件包的LaTeX,那么jannick0最近提出了一个简单的解决方案。

Modify your YAML header options to include 修改您的YAML标题选项以包含


and compile with xelatex. 并使用xelatex进行编译。

For instance, 例如,

 - \usepackage{fvextra}
 - \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Highlighting}{Verbatim}{breaklines,commandchars=\\\{\}}

this is a very long long long long long long long long long long long long long line which is broken

when compiled with 编译时

pandoc input.md --pdf-engine=xelatex -o output.pdf

gives 在此输入图像描述

If you had the .numberLines option, ie, 如果你有.numberLines选项,即

 - \usepackage{fvextra}
 - \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Highlighting}{Verbatim}{breaklines,commandchars=\\\{\}}

~~~~~{.java .numberLines}
this is a very long long long long long long long long long long long long long line which is broken

then the same command would produce 那么同样的命令就会产生


Not having the text wrapped is (part of) the point of code blocks. 没有包装文本是代码块的(部分)。 As far as I know, the only way to wrap the code is manually. 据我所知,包装代码的唯一方法是手动。 For most languages, not exceeding a certain line length is considered good style anyway. 对于大多数语言来说,不超过一定的行长度无论如何都被认为是好的风格。

If your lines are length-limited but still too long for your LaTeX-generated pdf, consider reducing the font size for code blocks. 如果您的线条长度有限但对于LaTeX生成的pdf仍然太长,请考虑减小代码块的字体大小。 For this you need to change the LaTeX template used by pandoc. 为此,您需要更改pandoc使用的LaTeX模板。 A look at this answer to "How to set font size for all verbatims in Beamer presentation?" 看看这个答案 “如何设置Beamer演示中所有动词的字体大小?” should get you started. 应该让你开始。

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