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搜索引擎是否将“ webpage.xml”文件视为xml? 这对微数据有何影响?

[英]Do search engines see a “webpage.xml” file as xml? How does that impact microdata?

A website I'm working on uses xml files for each page (rather than php or html files). 我正在工作的网站的每个页面都使用xml文件(而不是php或html文件)。 The xml is converted to html (soon html5) via xslt on the client side. xml会通过客户端的xslt转换为html(很快会变成html5)。 I intend to make these pages usefully semantic and I was interested in how search engines see the page. 我打算使这些页面具有有用的语义,并且我对搜索引擎如何查看该页面感兴趣。

Since a human on the site sees the URL as "www.example.com/webpage.xml", I assume that the page is being processed by search engines as xml too, rather than the result of the xslt conversion. 由于网站上的人员将URL视为“ www.example.com/webpage.xml”,因此我认为搜索引擎也将该页面作为xml处理,而不是xslt转换的结果。 Is this true? 这是真的?

If this is true, do I even care about html5 microdata? 如果是这样,我什至会关心html5微数据吗? Would I instead be adding semantics to my xml document? 我会改为在xml文档中添加语义吗? What language(s) would be appropriate for this? 什么语言适合于此?

Finally, what about the meta tags in the head of html pages? 最后,html页面顶部的meta标签呢? Do I not care about those either as they'd result from the xslt and would therefore be ignored? 我也不在乎那些是xslt产生的结果,因此会被忽略吗?

I hope that all seems logical. 我希望一切看起来合乎逻辑。

Thanks, 谢谢,

Patrick. 帕特里克

The xml is converted to html (soon html5) via xslt

Is the convertion done on server side? 转换是在服务器端完成的吗? If so, the search engine must see the generated html with all meta-data. 如果是这样,搜索引擎必须看到包含所有元数据的生成的html。 You should check the http response with Firebug tool for example. 例如,您应该使用Firebug工具检查http响应。

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