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[英]Make a Part of Text Bold inside TextBlock

I know that we can use <Run> in XAML to achieve what I am asking : 我知道我们可以在XAML中使用<Run>来实现我的要求:

    <Run Text="This is" />
    <Run FontWeight="Bold" Text="Bold Text." />

Also I can do it in code behind as follows: 我也可以在代码后面执行如下操作:

TextBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run("This is"));
TextBlock.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run("Bold Text.")));

But my problem is something different: 但我的问题有所不同:

Suppose I have following Text in my database: 假设我的数据库中有以下Text:

This is <b>Bold Text</b>.

Now, my Textblock is bound to a field that contains the above text in database. 现在,我的Textblock绑定到一个包含数据库中上述文本的字段。

I want the text between <b> and </b> to be bold . 我希望text between <b> and </b> to be boldtext between <b> and </b> to be bold How can I achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

If you want to display HTML, use a Webbrowser control. 如果要显示HTML,请使用Web浏览器控件。

<WebBrowser Name="myWebBrowser"/>

And in your code, pass your text like this: 在您的代码中,传递您的文字,如下所示:


If not, and bold is the only thing to be done and cannot be nested, you can do it like this: 如果没有,并且粗体是唯一要做的事情而且不能嵌套,你可以这样做:

string s = "<b>This</b> is <b>bold</b> text <b>bold</b> again."; // Sample text
var parts = s.Split(new []{"<b>", "</b>"}, StringSplitOptions.None);
bool isbold = false; // Start in normal mode
foreach (var part in parts)
     if (isbold)
        myTextBlock.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run(part)));
        myTextBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run(part));

     isbold = !isbold; // toggle between bold and not bold

It looks like you want to replace your custom formatting with <Bold> - see TextBlock for more info. 看起来您想要用<Bold>替换自定义格式 - 有关详细信息,请参阅TextBlock Sample from the article: 文章样本:

<TextBlock Name="textBlock1" TextWrapping="Wrap">
  <Bold>TextBlock</Bold> is designed to be <Italic>lightweight</Italic>,
  and is geared specifically at integrating <Italic>small</Italic> portions
  of flow content into a UI.

One approach is to re-format string to match what TextBlock expects. 一种方法是重新格式化字符串以匹配TextBlock期望的。

If you have HTML input - parse the text with HtmlAgilityPack first and than walk though resulting elements and construct string with b -elements replaced with text wrapped <Bold> and similar to other formatting. 如果您有HTML输入 - 首先使用HtmlAgilityPack解析文本,然后遍历结果元素并构造字符串,其中b -elements替换为文本换行<Bold> ,类似于其他格式。

If database content is known to have only valid begin/end pairs (not random HTML) you may even get away with basic String.Replace : text = text.Replace( "", "")`. 如果已知数据库内容只有有效的开始/结束对(而不是随机HTML),您甚至可以使用基本的String.Replace :text = text.Replace(“”,“”)`。

If you have you own custom formatting (like *boldtext* ) you'll need to invent custom parser for that. 如果您拥有自己的自定义格式(如*boldtext* ),则需要为此创建自定义解析器。

You can subscribe to TargetUpdated event: 您可以订阅TargetUpdated事件:

 void textBlock_TargetUpdated(object sender, DataTransferEventArgs e)
        string text = textBlock.Text;

        if (text.Contains("<b>"))
            textBlock.Text = "";
            int startIndex = text.IndexOf("<b>");
            int endIndex = text.IndexOf("</b>");
            textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run(text.Substring(0, startIndex)));
            textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run(text.Substring(startIndex + 3, endIndex - (startIndex + 3)))));
            textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run(text.Substring(endIndex + 4)));

and XAML for the TextBlock : TextBlock XAML:

<TextBlock x:Name="textBlock" Text="{Binding NotifyOnTargetUpdated=True}"></TextBlock>

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